Trump Announces ‘Levantine Riviera’: The Ethnic Cleansing and Terraforming Mega-Project of Tomorrow!

Trump stunned the world today with his blithely unapologetic plans for the mass ethnic cleansing and terraforming of Gaza, after receiving a “golden pager” memento from a smirking Netanyahu—a more cretinous tableau could hardly be imagined:

The amount of contradiction leaves one’s head spinning like a dreidel. “No one can live there, the place is hell,” a hangdog, puffy-eyed Trump explains, only moments before triumphantly declaring that the place will be turned into a casino-like ‘Levantine Riviera’ for “the people of the world”; might those be chosen people, mayhaps?

Trump argues that Palestinians deserve to live where they aren’t going to ignominiously “die”, so that’s why an artificial refugee camp—sorry, town—should be erected in Jordan, yet he forgets to mention that the man beside him is the reason those natives-to-the-land are ‘mysteriously’ dying in droves.

The whole press conference smacked of a surreal theater-of-the-absurd, like watching ‘cute’ Munchkins from the Land of Oz ravenously tear into a carcass with blood-soaked mouths. A servile-looking Trump blubbers out his plans for the biggest genocide and mass ethnic cleansing campaign in modern history with the casual air of someone ordering a breakfast sandwich. As per usual, though, the true slap of betrayal lay in the indifference of the establishment media shills, whose jobs should have been to deeply question and probe, set a journalistic flame to such outrages of common consciousness and decency.

Note how unctuously Trump slips the question of who will live in Gaza—not once, but twice. In the above video, a reporter asks Trump if Jewish settlements will be built in Gaza: Trump pretends he didn’t hear them, and answers the question under the pretext it was Palestinian settlements that were asked about.

Then in the video below, he states the US will take over the Gaza strip and “own it”—so an American Mandate for the modern world?

Finally, CNN’s Kaitlan Collins asks him directly will the Gazans be able to return, and if not, who does Trump envision living in Gaza after the US turns it into a “beautiful place”? Trump’s response is an historic study in slippery artifice, and must be seen to be believed:

“I envision…world people living there.”

World people? Do they happen to be related to the mysterious Sea Peoples, by any chance? Come to ransack and reclaim the Levant for a second time in as many millennia? Anthropologists the world over are in suspense.

Has a more maddening display of genocide apologetics ever been strutted out and gobbed in orange lipstick before?

Well, what can one say, Israel has found its perfect faithful servant:

Netanyahu presented Trump with two pagers at a meeting on February 4 — "a regular one and a gold-plated one," the prime minister's office stated. Trump responded by saying that "it was a grand operation."

Trump, before his election, called the Gaza Strip "prime real estate" in a phone call with Netanyahu and asked him to think about what types of hotels could be built there.

Am I the only one thinking a pager memento is more a subtly threatening reminder to stay in line, rather than a charming keepsake from an old friend?

Okay, so one reporter did manage to somewhat directly challenge Trump’s bold take-over plans:

According to the above, Trump wants to take the Gaza situation completely out of the hands of everyone involved, and truly mark it as a kind of US protectorate. There is maybe some miniscule chance that Trump is actually subverting Israel in the long term with a kind of ‘5D holographic chess’ move. Even famed Mid-East expert Alastair Crooke, in his latest interview with the Duran folks, suggested that Trump essentially ‘saved’ Netanyahu with these latest overtures to keep the truly hardline right-wing Likudniks from taking over, because “better the devil you know”. In other words, Trump at least knows how to work with the more predictable Netanyahu, and keep him somewhat in line.

I do think some people underestimate Trump’s own wiles, so we have to leave it a little open-ended for now—but at face value, it doesn’t look good. After all, just yesterday Trump tacitly invoked Greater Israel by lamenting Israel’s small size in comparison to the rest of the Middle East:

So, Israel has gotten its highest and most authoritative imprimatur for finally getting rid of those peskily scrappy natives: it’s an unprecedented Israeli coup de grace, right?

Well, not quite.

Clouds continue to gather just on the other side of the border, as we have been pointing to here from the start.

Jolani, now wholesomely rebranded as the clean-cut vizier Ahmed al-Sharaa, has arrived in Ankara to finally prostrate himself before his greatest benefactor:

And what do you know? As predicted, major things are expected to be set into motion between the two countries:

New Syrian leader offers Erdogan to deploy Turkish military bases in the country, — Reuters

▪️During the talks in Ankara, Ahmed al-Sharaa will discuss the Syrian-Turkish defense pact, which includes the creation of Turkish air bases in central Syria, the agency writes.

▪️Meanwhile, al-Sharaa has already met with Turkish President Erdogan and invited him to visit Damascus.

That’s right, foremost amongst discussions is the deployment of full-on Turkish military and airbases throughout central Syria, as well as training of a new Syrian army by Turkish forces.

The regional intelligence official, the Syrian security official and one of the Damascus-based foreign security sources said the talks would include setting up two Turkish bases in Syria's vast central desert region, known as the Badiyah.

An official in Syria's presidency told Reuters that Sharaa would discuss Turkey's "training of the new Syrian army, as well as new areas of deployment and cooperation" with Erdogan, without specifying the deployment locations.

Followed by suggestions that Turkey would be in position to defend Syrian airspace:

The senior regional intelligence official, the Syrian security official and one of the Damascus-based foreign security sources said the bases under discussion would allow Turkey to defend Syria's air space in case of any future attacks.

Could Turkish S-400s be back in play?

Possible locations for Turkish airbases were given as Palmyra military airport and the infamous T4 base in Homs. Of course it would also give Turkey newfound dominion over Kurd regions from the air.

This all came days after Jolani finally formally declared himself president of Syria, rather than some ambiguous ‘transitional leader’:

Israel is getting so nervous that its apologists are forced to pen increasingly unhinged theses, like the following from ‘former Pentagon official’ Michael Rubin for 19FortyFive:

A greater risk is the possibility that Turkey might utilize its nuclear plant to acquire fissile material for a nuclear weapon. Turkish officials—and even American counterparts—might say that the Akkuyu plant is proliferation-proof. Put aside that “proliferation proof” is never absolute. As with the Iranian civilian nuclear reactor at Bushehr, the problem has never been diversion at the civilian energy plant, but rather using the civilian program as cover to acquire and divert goods to a covert program.

You see how quickly Turkey is displacing Iran, in almost the selfsame role? Soon it will be Turkey in the country at risk of being struck by IAF bombs while funneling weapons into Syria, and being accused of perpetually ‘coming close to getting the A-Bomb’.

From the above:

If Turkey gains a nuclear weapon, it might not only make good on its threats against other regional states, but it could also feel itself so immune behind its own nuclear deterrent that it could increase its terror sponsorship without fear of retribution or accountability. Such policy concern mirrors that with which many Western countries consider the possibility of Iranian nuclear acquisition.

How convenient.

The article invokes Israel’s attack on Iraq’s nuclear Osirak plant in 1981 as precedent. The author claims Turkey’s defenses stand no chance against Israeli F-35s, just like Iran’s didn’t. Oh wait, just today Iran released a video showing its Bavar-373 and S-300 missile systems in full operation, proving that Israel’s hoax strikes which “wiped out the entire Iranian S-300 fleet” months ago were in fact fantasy, as most people with a brain educed:

Iran shows off upgraded Bavar-373, S-300 missile systems in tandem drills.

The exercises, taking place on the last day of the massive Eqtedar 1403 (lit. ‘Might 1403’) drills, featured the home-grown Iranian and Russian-made long-range air defense systems attacking mock enemies in the Kavir Desert in the country’s north.

Besides testing the systems’ effectiveness, the drills debunked Israeli claims about its destruction of Iran’s S-300s during last October’s strikes, and allowed the Iranian Army’s Air Defense Force to unveil a new version of the Bavar-373, which now features its own radar allowing for fully-independent operations.

-Saw the two systems plugged into Iran’s powerful nationwide air defense network

In recent months, Iran has unveiled and deployed an array of new air defense and ballistic missile systems, as well as an underground missile base amid growing tensions with the US and Israel.

Either way, expect to hear more like the above regarding Turkey in the coming months and years, as the Ottoman scimitar inches ever closer toward Israel’s exposed throat.

As for Riyadh, word has it the prince was not impressed with Trump’s plans to redevelop the Gaza strip into a palmy lido for rich Western Shabbos goys:

Ultimately we have to wait and see precisely what Trump has in mind for the supposed ‘American’ take-over of Gaza; there could be more to it than meets the eye. Israel, of course, always plays the long game, with Netanyahu likely acquiescing to Trump’s plan even if it ostensibly does not give Israel control of Palestine—for now—because Netanyahu knows in his spleen of spleens that American presidents come and go, but the settler colony will always pullulate like a tumor, long after the mortal mandates of its commandeered puppets have expired. In other words, keep up appearances for now, but count on the next American poltroon-in-chief in handing the ‘newly redeveloped’ territories back to Israel, de jure.

And as for those brawny America First congressmen? Well, you can forget the West Bank, too—the new ‘guidance’ from the top is the bird’s the word, and the bird’s been blacklisted. No more “West Bank”, I present to you the Israeli provinces of Judea and Samaria:

On Friday, Republican lawmakers in the House and Senate introduced bills that would bar the use of the term “West Bank” in United States government documents and materials, replacing the phrase with “Judea and Samaria,” the biblical names for the region that are widely used in Israel and the administrative name used by the state to describe the area.

How do you like them poison apples?

In the meantime, Trump is reportedly getting ready to finally withdraw from Syria for good—if you can believe it, that is:

The above report alleges an imminent withdrawal plan within the next “30, 60, or 90 days”—this time we pinky swear, promise! Recall last time the treasonous general staff literally lied to Trump and “played shell games” regarding US troop deployments in Syria in order to keep him from withdrawing the troops. Will it be more of the same bait-and-switch this time around?

It’s the latest example of Trump’s erratically schizophrenic foreign policy. Having promised no more wars or foreign military involvement, Trump is set to remove US troops from Syria while dispatching a new batch to the ‘Red Riviera’ on the ex-Gaza strip—talk about shell games!

Lastly, if you didn’t have your fill of ‘America First’ #winning for the day, enjoy your final emetic morsel:

Remember the earlier video of Trump’s speech, which elicited much criticism regarding the usually extemporaneous Trump robotically ‘reading’ a prepared statement given him by his ‘AIPAC handler’? You know, this one:

Well, it turns out not far from the truth, from Times of Israel above:

Kushner was involved in crafting Trump’s prepared remarks that he made alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House, Puck news reports, citing an anonymous source familiar with the matter.

By the way, did you catch Trump’s third act of mealy ambiguity in the snippet above? Listen again:

“[We will] create economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for…the people of the area.” 

Ah, those enigmatic people again.

For those who can stomach it, I leave you with this last video of Trump enforcer Mike Waltz waltzing on about the splendour of Trump’s groundbreaking Gaza giveaway:

Heavy is the Hegemon’s crown. Heaven forfend Russia ever inheriting such an onerous fate as to condemn Putin to the unenviable task of razing up a new Riviera on the Odessan waterfront to the wild cheers, or silent approvals, of the Western ‘moral righteousness’ peanut gallery.

We take penance for downplaying Trump’s heavy cross—lord forgive us, amen!

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