Serbia’s Democrats Leads in Opinion Polls

06 November 2008 Belgrade – Serbia’s pro-European Democrats enjoy the strongest support among the country’s electorate suggests the latest opinion poll by the Belgrade-based Strategic marketing agency.

Around forty percent of voters would back the Democrats led by Serbian President Boris Tadic if a parliamentary election was held now, the survey suggests.

The poll also points to strong support for Tomislav Nikolic’s Serbian Progressive Party which was created after Nikolic broke from Serbian Radical Party ranks following a dispute with top Radical leader, Vojislav Seselj.
The survey suggests that two out of three Radical Party voters would now vote for Nikolic’s party.
Srdjan Bogosavljevic, the chief executive of Strategic Marketing said the Socialists and G17 plus, both coalition partners in the ruling Serbian government, would not be able to cross the threshold of five percent to gain seats in parliament.

“They have the support of around 4.5 percent of the voters in Serbia,” he said.
The rating of the Cedomir Jovanovic’s Liberal Democrats is stable at around six percent.

The survey also shows that around half of the whole population are undecided.

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