U.S. “welcomes border demarcation”

The United States has welcomed “establishment of relations between Priština and Skopje and successful completion of the border demarcation”.

“The U.S. warmly welcomes the establishing of the diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Macedonia as well as successful completion of the demarcation of their joint border,” said State Department spokesman Ian Kelly.

Kelly also stated that Washington was praising International Civilian Office (ICO) and its chief, headed by EU’s special representative in Kosovo, for their role of mediator in completion of the demarcation line, “an important element” of Martti Ahtisaari’s plan.

Serbia objects to the marking of the country’s border line with Macedonia in the part which is concerning Kosovo.

Official Belgrade and Skopje signed an agreement on the issue in 2001, which was later approved at the UN.

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