Serbia notifies UN, EU and NATO after Kosovo police moved to take over north

Serbia’s state officials have turned to the international community after the Kosovo police, KPS, moved to take over administrative checkpoints in the north.

The northern part of Kosovo is predominantly inhabited by Serbs who do not recognize the authority of the government in Priština, and the top officials have warned that violence there could escalate.

Belgrade team chief in the ongoing Belgrade-Priština talks, Borko Stefanović, said that “everything will be done to unblock roads and regain control over the checkpoints”.

He and Kosovo Minister Goran Bogdanović arrived at the barricaded road near Jarinje early on Tuesday, and met with the KFOR commander.

Bogdanović previously said that the attempt to take over the Jarinje and Brnjak checkpoints by the Kosovo Albanian authorities was “a senseless act that endangered stability”.

“This is a senseless act that we suspect was perhaps organized in concert with EULEX,” Bogdanović said.

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