EU imposes arms embargo on Egypt

imgHigh Representative of the Union of Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton headed an extraordinary meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels to discuss EU position and further actions regarding the conflict in Egypt.

Foreign Ministers approved imposing an arms embargo on Egypt and condemned all acts of violence against civil citizens. They appealed to all sides in the conflict to stop the violence and called for a political dialogue between all political parties. Foreign ministers, however, did not approve the suspension of aid as many of them, including Bulgarian Minister Vigenin, believe freezing financial aid would have negative impact on Egyptian citizens.

Financial aid does not go to the government but is spent on projects to improve sanitation and water supplies and to help towards construction of the Cairo underground train system. Meanwhile, Ms Ashton stated the EU remained committed to the people of Egypt, but it was also very important to get a political roadmap into action. “We’ve been in discussion with the authorities in Egypt on this and with others,” she added.

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