Morsi supporters rally in Egypt

imgThousands of supporters of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi rallied in Cairo after Friday prayers chanting angry slogans against the military, with clashes reported elsewhere in Egypt.

“Either we recover their rights, or we die like them!” the protesters shouted as they marched in the Nasr City district, referring to Morsi’s supporters killed in an August crackdown on two protest camps in Cairo.

A few thousand protesters took part, followed by more than a dozen cars. They carried flags with portraits of those killed in last month’s crackdown by security forces in Rabaa al-Adawiya and Nahda squares.

Morsi supporters also rallied Friday in other parts of Egypt, with state media and security sources saying police fired tear gas as pro-Morsi protesters clashed with residents in the Nile Delta towns of Tanta and Mahalla.

Elsewhere, hundreds held a demonstration in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria.

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