Bulgarian and Serbian Presidents discuss the need to increase bilateral relations

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev and Serbian counterpart Tomislav Nikolić agreed on Wednesday that the two countries “need to intensify their relations.”

This is especially in terms of economy, the two presidents said, and announced joint sessions of the two governments.

At a joint news conference, Plevneliev and Nikolić expressed the belief that the Wednesday visit of the Serbian president to Sofia would be a milestone in the achievement of this goal.

The presidents said that good relations between Serbia and Bulgaria are highly valuable and added that they send a good message to foreign investors.

If Bulgaria and Serbia had weak ties, investors would not come to either Serbia or Bulgaria, Nikolić and his host Plevneliev said.

The two presidents announced joint sessions of the two governments, joint efforts on the construction of the motorway from Sofia to Nis and the works on the railway section on the same corridor, underscoring that politicians need to create room for easier cooperation between businessmen.

Nikolić noted that Serbia considers Bulgaria’s support to full EU membership as very important.

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