EU supports documenting crimes committed in Syria for accountability

imgThe EU Friday said it continues to condemn in the strongest terms the ongoing violence and the widespread and systematic violations of human rights in Syria.

A statement released by the office of EU high Representative Catherine Ashton said the EU “remains deeply concerned by the regional effects of the conflict on neighbouring countries and supports their efforts to contain it.” “The perpetrators of the atrocious chemical attacks, but also those responsible for the numerous grave violations of human rights and the murder of thousands of civilians including women and children, need to be held to account,” it stressed.

“The EU has “been supporting specific efforts aimed at documenting crimes committed during the conflict for the purpose of subsequent accountability,” it noted.

The latest figures estimate the number of deaths at over 100,000 and the number of refugees at over 2 million.

The EU repeated calls for the urgent need for a political solution of the Syrian conflict and for the convening of the Geneva II conference as soon as possible.

The statement welcomed the declaration of 20 April 2013 by the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces “which the EU accepts as legitimate representatives of the Syrian people” setting out the principles of a democratic, pluralistic and inclusive Syria. It strongly encouraged the Coalition to participate in the planned Geneva II peace conference and to lead the opposition delegation.

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