US urges Russia to remove military forces, equipment from Ukraine

US officials remain “deeply concerned” by the intensifying violence in eastern Ukraine, and call on Russia to remove all its military forces and equipment from inside Ukraine, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Tuesday.

Russian military forces and equipment are still in Ukraine, and the Russia-Ukraine border is still unsecured, Psaki said during a briefing.

Since the ceasefire was signed on September 5, attacks on Ukrainian positions and towns, including around the Donetsk airport and the village of Poposnaya in Luhansk, have killed and wounded scores of Ukrainian armed forces and civilians, and destroyed critical infrastructure, she noted.

“We call on Russia and the separatists it backs to immediately end these attacks,” Psaki said. “We also call on Russia to withdraw all Russian military forces and equipment from inside Ukraine.” Monitors from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe are on the ground in Ukraine, monitoring and verifying the ceasefire and ready to further support the implementation of the September 5th Minsk Protocol and September 19th Minsk Agreement, Psaki said, adding, “Russia must allow them to do their work.

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