Algeria calls for Libyan unity government to be formed quickly

imgAlgeria yesterday called for the formation of the Libyan national unity government to be accelerated, considering this “very important due to the dangerous situation at all levels in the country,” the Anadolu Agency reported.
In the wake of a meeting with the UN envoy to Libya Martin Kobler, Algerian Minister of Maghreb Affairs, African Union and the Arab League Abdelkader Messahel said: “We discussed the issue of the formation of the Libyan national unity government which we hope will be formed in the coming days.”
“Very important missions are waiting for the government to carry them out as soon as it is formed in the capital Tripoli,” he said. He added that Kobler briefed the Algerian political officials about the UN efforts being exerted in Libya, as well as the dangerous situation in the country.
On 25 January the parliament in Tobruk announced it did not recognise the national agreement government. It asked Prime Minister Fayez Al-Sarraj to reduce the number of ministries within 10 days, but this has not happened yet.
Meanwhile, Kobler said: “There must be internationally-supported progress on the political tract. Libya’s neighbouring countries, especially Algeria, have an important role in Libya.”
He added: “Algeria has an important role in Libya as it has a 1,000 kilometre border with it.”
Kobler’s visit came in the wake of the visit made by Al-Sarraj to Algeria in January where he met with Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal.
Officials from both countries discussed the fight against terrorism and promoting economic relations.

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