
Abbas government promises to pay full salaries to civil servants

The government of moderate Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad promised Monday to pay full salaries to tens of thousands of civil servants for at least six months, but also warned that employees cooperating with the Islamist Hamas will be cut from the payroll.

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Palestinians to be allowed to enter Gaza Strip from Egypt

Thousands of Palestinians left stranded on the Egyptian side of the border since Hamas took over the Gaza Strip will be allowed to cross through the Kerem Shalom crossing Tuesday and return to Gaza following an agreement between Israel and Egypt.

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Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu, candidat PNL la euroalegeri

Liberalii încep pregătirile pentru alegerile europarlamentare. Campania electorală a PNL va fi coordonată de secretarul general al partidului Dan Motreanu. În capul listei de candidaţi se va afla fostul ministru de Externe Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu.

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