
Admitere la specialitatea araba

Anul acesta, inscrierile la sectia LIMBA ARABA – O ALTA LIMBA (engleza, franceza, spaniola, italiana, rusa, romana, persana, germana, hindi, romana etc.) se fac la Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Limbi si Literaturi Straine, str. Edgar Quinet nr. 7, et. II, Bucuresti, in perioada 12 – 20 iulie 2007.

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Security Council Briefed on Iran Sanctions

The chairman of the United Nations committee monitoring sanctions on Iran in relation to its uranium enrichment activities briefed the Security Council today on Member States’ implementation measures.

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50-year saga to reclaim Egypt’s ‘Cecil Hotel’

It took exactly half a century for the Metzger family to reclaim ownership of the Cecil Hotel, the illustrious palace overlooking Egypt’s Mediterranean and immortalised in Lawrence Durrell’s classic, “The Alexandria Quartet.” “I can’t believe it, after all these years of lost hope,” said Patricia Metzger, the British daughter in-law …

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