Partidul Democrat cere PNL şi PSD să-şi asume proiectul de lege privind introducerea votului uninominal şi să urgenteze dezbaterea lui în Parlament. Boc a cerut ca acesta să fie adoptat până la sfârşitul acestei sesiuni parlamentare.
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PD nu va participa la consultările cu premierul Tăriceanu
Preşedintele PD Emil Boc a anunţat că democraţii nu vor trimite nicio delegaţie la consultările de astăzi cu premierul Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, care convocase partidele parlamentare pentru stabilirea datei pentru alegerile PE.
Read More »Consilierul de stat Silviu Barbu a demisionat de la Cotroceni
La nici nouă luni de la numirea în funcţie, prin detaşare de la Tribunalul Braşov, unde era judecător, consilierul de stat Silviu Barbu a demisionat de la Cotroceni, după ce interceptarea uneia dintre convorbirile sale telefonice a ajuns la un post central de televiziune.
Read More »High-profile war crimes trial kicks off in Croatia
A crucial war crimes trial against two former high-ranking Croat officers, accused of atrocities against ethnic Serbs during a 1993 military operation, opened in Zagreb on Monday (June 18th) amid tight security.
Read More »Iraqi refugees in Syria face poverty trap
Among the impoverished Iraqi refugees queuing for food aid at a Catholic charity in Damascus stands 65-year-old Hirmiz Hanna, puzzled and upset at his fate.
Read More »Israel split on plight of Gaza asylum-seekers
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — The plight of some 200 Gazans, stranded in no-man’s-land on the Israeli border in a desperate bid to flee last week’s Islamist takeover of the territory, is dividing Israeli opinion.
Read More »Don’t ignore refugee needs in world on move — UN
In a world where more people are on the move than ever, governments jittery about cross-border criminals, terrorists and illegal migrants must not shirk their duty to protect refugees, a UN official said on Tuesday.
Read More »Sudan bowed to pressure on Darfur force — opposition
International pressure forced Sudan to accept a plan to deploy a combined UN and AU peacekeeping force of at least 20,000 troops in its troubled Darfur region, opposition parties said on Tuesday.
Read More »Egypt’s ruling party grabs nearly all senate seats
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s ruling party has won almost all the 16 seats in the runoff elections for Egypt’s upper house of parliament, according to official results and media reports on Tuesday.
Read More »2 Lebanese soldiers die in Palestinian refugee camp fighting
Lebanese troops inched towards Islamic strongholds in a north Lebanon Palestinian refugee camp Tuesday as mediators hinted at a possible ceasefire deal that includes the disarmament of the Al Qaeda-inspired gunmen.
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