
Increased violence kills 28 in Iraq

BAGHDAD (AP) — The US military on Thursday said sectarian killings had spiked in areas of Baghdad not included in a security sweep, with police reporting more than a dozen killings in the capital — including four American soldiers — and 20 new bodies dumped on the streets.

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Israel-Hizbollah truce appears strong

BEIRUT — A month after a UN resolution halted fighting between Israel and Hizbollah, the ceasefire appeared strong Thursday with Israeli troops continuing to withdraw from south Lebanon and UN peacekeepers fanning out across the war-ravaged region.

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Turkey wary as Iraqi Kurds hoist flag

ANKARA — The decision by northern Iraq’s Kurdish leaders to ban the national flag and hoist their own has increased disquiet in Turkey about the prospect of a de facto Kurdish statelet on its doorstep, diplomats and analysts here say.

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Romania: Iran Enjoys High Economic Potentials

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Romania’s plenipotentiary trade representative to Tehran said that Iran enjoys high economic potentials, adding that utilization of these potentials requires better identification of opportunities and connection with global economy.

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