Eurasia News

Serbia “won’t withdraw Kosovo draft”

First Deputy PM and Interior Minister Ivica Dačić on Sunday again spoke about Serbia’s UN GA Kosovo draft. He said that it was “unrealistic to expect for Serbia to accept the adoption of a resolution that would recognize legality of Kosovo-Metohija’s independence”. 

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Dutch prosecutors investigate Srebrenica killings

The prosecutor’s office in the city of Arnhem plans to launch an investigation into the actions of Dutch peacekeeping forces in Srebrenica during the 1992-1995 Bosnian conflict, media reported on Friday (August 20th). The catalyst was a complaint filed by relatives of Srebrenica massacre victims. The relatives seek responsibility

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Hague accepts Mladic’s diaries as evidence in Karadzic’s trial

The UN war crimes tribunal accepted on Friday (August 20th) all 18 recently discovered diaries of former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic as evidence in the ongoing trial against Radovan Karadzic. Judges said the former Bosnian Serb leader did not challenge the authenticity of the notebooks. The diaries, along

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EC envoy assesses Croatia’s EU accession talks

The head of the EU delegation to Croatia, Paul Vandoren, said on Friday (August 20th) that the successful completion of judicial reforms and the privatisation of state-owned shipyards will be key to completing the country’s EU accession negotiations. The judiciary and privatisation chapters are among the last three opened on …

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Georgia complains to United Nations

Georgia sent a statement to the UN on Friday accusing Russia of violating ceasefire agreements. “Two years after the Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities was signed on August 12, 2008, Russia still ignores this agreement and continues to violate almost all of its provisions,” the statement said.

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