Eurasia News

Ban, Eroglu discuss Cypriot issue

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu on Monday (June 28th) to “grasp the current political window of opportunity to reach a settlement” in long-standing efforts

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Macedonian Prime Minister Gruevski rejects opposition call for early elections

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski rejected on Monday (June 28th) opposition calls for early elections, while acknowledging that each party has the legitimate right to seek a snap vote. As for the name row with Greece, Gruevski said there are no indications that UN mediator Matthew Nimetz will

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Turcia, Rusia si Ucraina vor sa creeze Alianta de securitate a Marii Negre

Ministrii Apararii din Turcia, Rusia si Ucraina intentioneaza sa creeze o noua alianta de aparare a regiunii Marii Negre, scrie publicatia turceasca Hurriyet. Convorbirile intre cele trei tari se desfasoara de o perioada mai indelungata, dar ele au fost restabilite in timpul presedintelui ucrainean Iuscenko si reinnoite in perioada mandatului …

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Bulgaria, Romania Ink Police Cooperation Deal to Protect Tourists

The Interior Ministries of Bulgaria and Romania have signed a cooperation agreement providing for the transfer of police officers from one country to the other. The deal was signed Monday in the Romanian Danube town of Giurgiu by the Chief Secretary of the Bulgarian Interior Kalin Georgiev and his Romanian

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