Eurasia News

‘Wave of Kosovo recognitions’ to follow ICJ

A leading western envoy in Pristina believes the ruling of the International Court of Justice on the legality of Kosovo’s independence will lead to a surge in new recognitions. While Pieter Feith, who is EU Special Representative and head of the International Civilian Office, said

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BiH charges three with war crimes

Prosecutors filed charges Tuesday (June 8th) against three people suspected of crimes against humanity committed during the 1992-1995 Bosnian conflict. Milun Kornjaca, Milorad Zivkovic and Dusko Tadic allegedly were involved in 1992 attacks against Muslim civilians in the Cajnice municipality. Prosecutors say they also took part in the killing of …

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Montenegrin police arrest war crimes suspect

Montenegrin police have arrested an ethnic Serb wanted by Croatia for war crimes committed in 1991, media reported on Tuesday (June 8th). Marin Krivosic, 45, was detained on Saturday based on an arrest warrant issued by Zagreb. He is suspected of involvement in the killing of 56 Croatian civilians in …

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EULEX’s mandate in Kosovo extended

As expected, the Council of the EU on Tuesday (June 8th) extended EULEX’s mandate by two years, until June 2012. EULEX chief Yves de Kermabon and EU Special Representative Pieter Feith were in Brussels to brief the ambassadors of EU member states in the Political and Security Committee on the …

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Greek delegation to visit Bulgaria

A delegation headed by Greek Minister for Protection of Citizens Michalis Chrysohoidis is to arrive on an official visit to Bulgaria on Wednesday, the Bulgarian press center of the Interior Ministry announced. After a meeting with Bulgarian Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov the Greek and Bulgarian delegations will hold bilateral talks. …

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Bulgarian PM to meet U.S. Assistant Secretary of State

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov is to meet U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs David Johnson on Tuesday. They will discuss the cooperation in judiciary reform as a prerequisite for effective fight with the organized crime. A press conference is due after the meeting.

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Alegeri la romanii din Timoc

Intr-un colt uitat de lume, in Valea Timocului, au avut loc duminica niste alegeri care nu au intrat pe agenda agentiilor de prea: alegerile pentru Consiliul National al Rumanilor din Serbia. Oficial, in Serbia de nord-est traiesc putin peste 44.000 de romani – desemnati de autoritatile sarbe drept vlahi. Cifrele …

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NATO plans to reduce troops in Kosovo

Defense ministers of NATO member states hold a meeting at the end of the week, where they will discuss the troops reduction in Kosovo. They will discuss on KFOR operations as the first step has already been made, NATO Secretary General Andres Faugh Rasmussen said. Towards the end of January, …

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