Eurasia News

Ukraine abandons NATO ambitions

The Ukrainian parliament has approved a bill that effectively rejects any ambition to join NATO. The law, submitted by President Viktor Yanukovych, cements Ukraine’s status as a military non-aligned country – though it will co-operate with NATO. President Yanukovych was elected earlier this year, vowing to end Ukraine’s NATO membership …

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Slovakia supports Serbia’s EU bid

Foreign ministers of Serbia and Slovakia, Vuk Jeremić and Miroslav Lajčak, met on Thursday on Bratislava. They said that the EU-Western Balkans summit in Sarajevo earlier this week had confirmed the EU’s commitment to continued enlargement.

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Bulgaria Eases Visa Regime for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Bulgaria relaxes visa procedures for Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian and Moldovan nationals following an order signed by the Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov this Friday. The news comes immediately after Mladenov reported Friday morning that he has a draft ready for facilitating the visa regime for those countries.

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State Secretary of Serbia’s Ministry for Kosovo : New talks on Kosovo status likely to happen

I’m confident that there will be new talks on Kosovo status, State Secretary of Serbia’s Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija Oliver Ivanovic said. He said that talks on Kosovo status are inevitable and there are always the better option than tensions, which can be caused if there are no negotiations. …

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Boyko Borisov: We work at a good level with Russian, American and European services

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov:  We are Euro-Atlantic-oriented country. We work at good level with the Russian, American and European offices. The Prime Minister said that Deputy U.S. Secretary of State responsible for drug sector will arrive on Tuesday in Bulgaria. It is expected the two officials to discuss police …

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Bulgaria: Measures for facilitation of visa regime for Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Moldovan citizens

Measures for further alleviations of the visa regime for Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Moldovan citizens will be initiated at the order of Bulgarian Minister Nikolay Mladenov is order to achieve an immediate effect on tourist flow, press centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. Visas for organized tourist groups …

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Albania must resolve political crisis for visa liberalisation

EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele said on Wednesday (June 2nd) he would like to see a solution to the political crisis in Albania before the European Parliament (EP) discusses lifting the visa regime. “I would not like to answer on behalf of other institutions, however the EP respects EC decisions,” …

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UN Secretary-General appoints new special representative in Cyprus

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon on Wednesday (June 2nd) appointed Lisa Buttenheim as his special representative and head of the UN peacekeeping mission in Cyprus. Buttenheim, of the United States, will replace Taye-Brook Zerihoun of Ethiopia, who was appointed in April to a UN post in New York.

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NATO closes office in Tirana

NATO closed down its office in Tirana on Wednesday (June 2nd), a little more than a year after Albania joined the Alliance in April 2009. In his remarks, President Bamir Topi thanked all peacekeepers serving in missions around the world.

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