Eurasia News

Kosovo confident of region’s EU integration progress

The EU-Western Balkans meeting in Sarajevo on Wednesday (June 2nd) reaffirmed that countries in the region have EU membership prospects, and afterwards, Kosovo Foreign Minister Skender Hyseni noted “All participants … asked for acceleration of the integration process.” He added that the meeting underscored a commitment to expand visa liberalisation …

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U.S. Deputy Secretary: Bulgaria is model for Western Balkan countries

Bulgaria is a model for the Western Balkan countries, U.S. Deputy Secretary James Steinberg told journalists after meeting Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov. He said that Bulgaria plays an important role in the Euro-Atlantic integration of the countries in the region. At their meeting the two discussed the situation in …

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Greece, EU call for coordinated effort to overcome economic crisis

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and visiting European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek made a joint plea on Wednesday for coordinated efforts to exit the economic crisis. “The presence of the European Parliament President in Athens sends a strong message of support of the sacrifices of Greek people, so that Greece …

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Rusia ar putea cere SUA instalarea de sisteme antiracheta in Romania si Bulgaria

Moscova ar putea propune Washingtonului instalarea in Romania si Bulgaria a unor sisteme antibalistice rusesti S-300, in cadrul posibilului proiect al unui sistem antiracheta comun, afirma generalul rus Vladimir Dvorkin, citat de Sofia Echo si Mediafax. Vladimir Dvorkin, fostul director al unui institut de cercetare apartinand Ministerului rus al Apararii, …

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Romania sees Georgia extremely important for EU energy security

Romanian President Traian Basescu said on Wednesday that Georgia can become an extremely important country for the European Union energy security. Georgia, through its position, doubled by a wise policy related to the transit costs, can become an extremely important country for the creation of alternative solutions

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Romania Hit by Strikes

Tens of thousands of Romanian public workers went on strike Monday and Tuesday in protest over planned wage cuts. Metro stations were closed and some schools didn’t open, while state sector workers demonstrated in protest, causing significant disruption in the capital Bucharest.

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Greece reiterates support for Belgrade’s EU bid

Serbia should join the EU as soon as possible, Greek President Karolos Papoulias said on Tuesday (June 1st), after meeting with Serbian counterpart Boris Tadic in Athens. Papoulias stressed that Greece will continue to support Belgrade in its membership bid. He also reiterated that efforts aimed at resolving Kosovo’s status …

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EP panel calls for more reforms in BiH

The European Parliament’s (EP) Foreign Affairs Committee adopted a resolution Tuesday (June 1st) that calls for easing ethnic tensions and urges Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) leaders to be more responsible regarding the country’s EU future. Though members backed a proposal to lift visa requirements for BiH citizens, they also voiced …

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