Eurasia News

Croatia’s Supreme Court takes up Glavas appeal

The Supreme Court on Monday (May 31st) started discussing an appeal of the sentence handed down to former parliament member Branimir Glavas. In May of last year, he was sentenced to ten years in prison for war crimes against ethnic Serbs in the city of Osijek in 1991. Soon after …

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Defence officials discuss NATO integration in Macedonia

The process of Euro-Atlantic integration should be intensified and include all countries in the region, according to participants attending a regional conference on NATO integration that began on Monday (May 31st) in Bitola. Some of the ministers said that unless Macedonia and Kosovo are admitted to NATO and unless remaining …

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Medvedev on South Stream pipeline

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev expressed confidence at the Russia-EU summit that South Stream gas pipeline could turn into a trans-European energy network. “Of late we’ve already reached good results,” the president said adding that Moscow “consecutively diversified oil and gas supply routes.” “We hope that the South Stream project can …

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EU to name Balkan envoy

The European Union will be naming a special representative for the Western Balkans after the Sarajevo summit. The regional gathering is planned for June 2 in the Bosnian capital.

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Serbian president kicks off 3-day visit to Greece

Serbian President Boris Tadic kicked off his 3-day visit to Greece, where he is slated to meet Greek top officials as well as Greek businessmen at the business-forum. Tadic is slated to meet his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias as well as Greek Parliament Speaker Filippos Petsalnikos.

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Results announced for northern Kosovo vote

The Serb Progressive Party (SNS) has won the most votes in the local elections held on Sunday in Kosovska Mitrovica. The Democrats and the Socialists won a majority in the municipality of Novo Brdo, according to the State Election Commission (RIK).

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Croatian President visited Republika Srpska for the first time

Croatian President Ivo Josipovic has made the first ever visit by to a Croatian head of state to Republika Srpska (RS). On Sunday (May 30th), he visited three sites of mass killings of Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks during the 1992-1995 Bosnian conflict, paying tribute to innocent victims in Sijekovac, Brisevo …

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