Eurasia News

Socialist International calls for transparent elections in Albania

A parliamentary investigation must be conducted in Albania to pave the way for eventual EU integration, the world organisation, Socialist International (SI), said on Saturday (May 29th) in Tirana. SI Secretary-General Luis Ayala of Chile stressed that the ongoing political stalemate is the direct result of a lack of transparency …

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Kosovo signs very first IMF loan

The government of Kosovo signed an agreement for its very first International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan on Thursday. Kosovo Prime Minister Hasim Thaci at a news conference in Pristina said the terms of

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Ucraina nu mai vrea in NATO

Ucraina va continua sa dezvolte relatiile cu NATO, dar problema aderarii pica, a declarat ministrul afacerilor externe al Ucrainei, Constantin Griscenko. Declaratia a fost facuta joi la Kiev, in deschiderea celei de-a 11-a reuniuni ministeriale de coordonare a organelor executive in domeniul relatiilor externe, potrivit “Ucraina va continua sa …

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Georgian President to visit Romania

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili June 2 will pay an official visit to Romania. The Georgian presidential administration announced. Within the visit meetings at the high level are planned. The President will stay in Romania till June 4. President’s visit to Romania was scheduled for April 30, but the Romanian side …

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Romania supports Macedonia’s bids to join NATO, EU

Romanian President Traian Basescu said on Thursday that his country would give its unconditional support to Macedonia’s bids to join NATO and the European Union. Basescu, who is paying an official visit to Macedonia, made the announcement at a joint press conference with his Macedonian counterpart Gjorge Ivanov, news reaching …

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EU mediators try to end stalemate in Albania

EU personnel met with Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha and Socialist Party (SP) leader Edi Rama on Wednesday (May 26th) in Tirana, in a bid to mediate a solution to the months-long political stalemate. At issue are differences over the transparency of the June 2009 general elections, which the SP …

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Serbia threatens to stop co-operating with EULEX

Serbian Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic said on Wednesday (May 26th) that Serbia may stop co-operating with EULEX following the mission’s decision to ban unauthorised visits by Serbian officials. They have been travelling there to campaign ahead of Sunday’s unauthorised elections in northern Kosovo. Bogdanovic accused EULEX of taking the …

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Cypriot President and newly-elected Turkish Cypriot leader hold first reunification talks

Cypriot President Demetris Christofias and newly-elected Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu held their first meeting in Nicosia on Wednesday (May 26th). During the meeting, UN Special Envoy Alexander Downer read them a message from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who warned that time is running out to reach a deal reunifying …

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Romania vows to proceed with austerity measures

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said on Wednesday (May 26th) that his government has no intention of giving up its austerity measures, despite public opposition and a confidence vote planned for next week. The measures envision slashing public sector wages by 25% and reducing pensions by 15%. The decision to proceed …

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Raska mass grave exhumation to begin in June

Working groups from Kosovo and Serbia met on Wednesday (May 26th) in Pristina to discuss technical details ahead of the exhumation of a mass grave discovered in Raska, southern Serbia, earlier this month. “We expect the work to begin intensively in two to three weeks at the latest,” Pajazit Nushi, …

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