Eurasia News

Vice-president of the European Parliament’s delegation for relations with south-east Europe: Dayton deal solution for North Kosovo

Johannes Swoboda, vice-president of the European Parliament’s delegation for relations with south-east Europe said one of the solutions for Serbs in Kosovo would be autonomy as was the case with Serbs in BiH with the help of the Dayton treaty.

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Rusia vrea sa deschida baze militare in Ucraina, la granita cu Romania

Federatia Rusa are in vedere deschiderea de noi baze militare, nu numai in Crimeea, dar si in Nikolaev, Odesa si chiar la granita cu Romania, scrie Aceasta intentie ar putea fi realizata cu succes dupa modernizarea Flotei maritime militare rusesti din Crimeea, a declarat publicatiei ruse Nezavisimaia Gazeta, fostul …

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Serbian PM to meet Croatian counterpart

Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković will meet with his Croatian counterpart Jadranka Kosor in Zagreb. With recent improvements in relations between Serbia and Croatia, started by several meetings between President’s Boris Tadić and Ivo Josipović, the two prime ministers will meet on Friday in hopes of continuing the trend. Along …

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Turkish PM’s kicks off 2-day visit to Greece

Turkish Prime Minister Redzep Erdogan will kick off his 2-day visit to Greece, aimed at improving Greek-Turkish ties. He will be accompanied by another 10 Turkish ministers and over 100 Turkish businessmen. A visit to Greece by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan this week marks “the start of a …

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EU Commissioner Fule: Macedonia is waiting for one EU country’s approval to begin accession talks with EU

The process of Western Balkans EU integration depends mainly on the domestic politicians and not on Brussels, EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule said. Asked about the progress made by Western Balkan countries, Fule said that EU needs one’ country’s green light in order to start accession talks with Macedonia.

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Romanian President Traian Basescu: Romania has means to avoid Greek situation

Romania is no case in the situation of Greece, and has all the instruments necessary to avoid such situation, President Traian Basescu told a press conference Thursday. “Contrary to what some say on TV that Romania is in the same situation as Greece, we still have 2011 and 2012 … …

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Bulgarian FM wraps up Western Balkans tour in Albania

Bulgarian Foreign Minister was in the Albanian capital of Tirana on May 14 2010 at the close of his Western Balkans tour that has taken him to Skopje, Belgrade, Podgorica, Pristina, Sarajevo and Banja Luka underlining his message that Bulgaria wants to do its utmost to assist the region’s European …

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Greece receives first tranche of aid

The finance ministry announced on Wednesday (May 12th) that Greece received 5.5 billion euros from the IMF as part of the international aid to help the country overcome its financial crisis. The money will be used to repay part of the country’s huge debt. In other news, Greece’s two main …

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