Eurasia News

Libyan militias launch assault on vital oil terminals

Libyan militias that were expelled from the eastern city of Benghazi are now advancing toward the country’s vital oil terminals, seeking to establish control over Libya’s primary revenue source. The so-called Benghazi Defense Force launched its assault on Wednesday, taking over three eastern towns including the al-Sidra terminal, according to …

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UN: Boko Haram remains a threat even as they lose territory

The UN’s envoy for Central Africa says a multinational regional force has reclaimed much of the territory controlled by Boko Haram in the Lake Chad Basin but the extremist group remains a serious threat to regional stability. Francois Lounceny Fall told the Security Council on Wednesday that Boko Haram’s ability …

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US rules out army intervention in Libya

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday that there would be no foreign military intervention in Libya and called for a diplomatic solution as violence flared in the capital Tripoli. “Our tools are diplomacy. We are not looking at other options,” Kerry told journalists alongside his Italian counterpart …

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Over 4,000 rebels killed or wounded in Sirte in fight against IS

Libyan rebels engaged in the military campaign against ISIS in Sirte have registered over 4,000 deaths or injuries since the beginning of May, medical sources said Tuesday. “713 militants have been killed and 3,210 injured in Sirte,” said the spokesman for the central hospital in Misurata, Akram Kaliouan, cited by …

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Algerian troops discover heavy arms on Malian border

Algerian Defense Ministry on Monday said its troops seized a load of war weapons on the borderline with Mali. “Part of anti-terrorism efforts and border security, vigilant army troops discovered on Monday a bunker full of arms and ammunition in the southern province of Adrar, near the Malian border,”

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Algerian troops arrest 2 terrorists near Malian border

Algerian counterterrorism troops on Tuesday arrested two terrorists in the southernmost town of Timiaouine, near the border with Mali, the Defense Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. The two gunmen were killed during an ambush by army troops, as a Kalashnikov submachine gun and a quantity of ammunition were …

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Clashes in central DRC leave at least 23 dead

At least 23 people died in weekend clashes triggered by tribal rivalry in the Democratic Republic of Cocentral Tshikapa region, the deputy governor of Kasai province said on Monday. Fighting from Friday to Sunday between police and troops on the one hand and members of a local militia on the …

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Libya pro-government forces say seize Sirte from IS

Libyan loyalist forces have seized full control of the coastal city of Sirte from the Islamic State jihadist group, an official spokesperson said on Monday. “Our forces have total control of Sirte,” after more than six months of fighting, Reda Issa, a spokesperson for pro-government forces, told AFP. “Our forces …

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China sends another 120 army peacekeepers to South Sudan

China has sent 120 troops to South Sudan as part of a 700-member UN peacekeeping force, deepening its commitment to the troubled East African nation. Once the entire battalion is deployed, they will replace Chinese peacekeepers currently in place, who suffered two dead in fighting between the government and rebels …

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