Eurasia News

Egypt, Germany sign security cooperation in preventing terrorism

Egyptian minister of interior Magdy Abdel Ghafar signed a security cooperation agreement with his German counterpart Thomas de Maizière in Berlin, the Egyptian ministry of interior announced Tuesday. The Egyptian interior ministry noted that the two governments signed the agreement that solidifies cooperation in preventing all types of crimes, including …

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Algeria reaffirms desire to continue exceptional partnership with France

Algerian President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika reaffirmed Algeria’s readiness to continue to build an exceptional partnership with France, while hailing dense political dialogue between both countries, in a message of congratulations to his French counterpart François Hollande on the occasion of the French National Day.

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France to end military operations in Central African Republic

French President Francois Hollande announced on Wednesday that France would end its military mission in the Central African Republic in October. “Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian will go to the Central African Republic in October to officially declare the end of Operation Sangaris,” said Hollande.

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Libya: 240 unity government fighters die in battle for Sirte

The two-month battle for the Islamic State group’s Libyan stronghold of Sirte has killed more than 240 unity government fighters and wounded over 1 400, a medic said on Tuesday. Forces loyal to the UN-backed Government of National Accord began an operation in May to recapture the coastal city which …

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UN: Juba death toll probably higher

The United Nations peacekeeping chief says the official government death toll of 272, including 33 civilians, in the recent fighting in the capital is likely “only the tip of the iceberg”. Herve Ladsous told the Security Council on Wednesday that while a ceasefire in Juba, the capital, appears to be …

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Libya's new defence minister survives assassination attempt

ZLibya’s new defence minister is said to have survived a car bomb assassination attempt, One of his guards was wounded by shrapnel. The media office of Mahdi al-Barghathi said on Thursday that the minister came under attack while leaving an army barrack in the eastern city of Benghazi, when a …

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2 UN peacekeepers killed in Mali

Two Dutch UN peacekeepers were accidently killed and one seriously wounded Wednesday in an explosion in northwest Mali during a training exercise, the Dutch defence ministry said. “During the accident, two of our men lost their lives,” said The Netherlands’ Vice Chief of Defence, Vice Admiral Rob Bauer. “Another 23-year-old …

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Libyan army secures Ajdabiya

General Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army has taken control of the city of Ajdabiya east of Sirte, Colonel Fawzi el Mansouri told broadcaster Libya’s Channel on Monday. “The security situation in Ajdabiya is under control,” said Col. El Mansouri, adding that militants of the Defend Benghazi Brigades (DBB) were prevented …

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