Eurasia News

Iran Ready to Act against Terrorists in Pakistan

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran is ready to fight and annihilate Pakistan-based terrorist groups in case Islamabad voices content and issues the required permit, Deputy Police Chief Ahmad Reza Radan said. Radan’s remarks came as terrorist militants killed a number of Iranian soldiers in an ambush in the country’s southeastern borders with …

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Iranian Official: EU Move on MKO Emboldens Terrorists

TEHRAN (FNA)- The European Union decision to take the anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), off its blacklist will embolden terrorists, Iranian deputy foreign minister said. The European Union decided Monday to remove the MKO from its blacklist, a move which caused angry demonstrators to pour to the …

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Obama to Send Friendly Letter to Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- US President Obama’s administration is preparing to send a letter to the Iranian people aimed at setting the tone for a new relationship and the first direct talks in decades between the two countries. According to the UK’s Guardian newspaper, Obama’s staff have been working on the letter …

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Iran, Sierra Leone Boost Trade Ties

TEHRAN (FNA)- Economic and trade relations between Iran and Sierra Leone have undergone a good level of growth, Tehran’s ambassador to Freetown said. Nosratollah Maleki told journalists yesterday that for the past years, the relations between Iran and Sierra Leone have improved in many areas. He said the Red Crescent …

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Iranian Mission Blasts EU’s Double Standards in Combating Terrorism

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Embassy in London condemned the decision by the EU to remove the MKO terrorist group from its list of proscribed organizations. The embassy accused the 27-nation European Union of “adopting a dual and selective approach towards terrorism” by its decision, which comes after …

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Russia Delivers MI-171 Choppers to Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- Russia delivered two of five Mi-171 helicopters sold to Iran after signing a $45 million contract to upgrade the country’s rescue fleet. Under the contract, Russia was expected to deliver five Mi-171 transport helicopters to Iran before the end of March. Another three helicopters will be reportedly on …

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Serbia’s Jeremic Lobbies UN On Kosovo

Serbia’s Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic visits the United Nations on Thursday for meetings with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and other top diplomats to discuss the implementation of the six-point plan in Kosovo and the formation of the Kosovo Security Forces. Jeremic has also sent letters to 80 countries around …

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Slovenia, Croatia Inch Closer On Border Row

Croatia said it had moved closer to resolving an 18-year-old border dispute with Slovenia which has been threatening to freeze its European Union membership bid. Diplomats say the dispute, which the two countries have not been able to settle since the dissolution of federal Yugoslavia in 1991, must be resolved …

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CEZ Pulls Out from 1.4 Bln Eur Bosnia Project

Czech power company CEZ said it will pull out from a joint venture project with the power company of the Serb-dominated Bosnian entity of Republika Srpska, Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske, effectively putting the kiss of death on a 1.4 billion euro project to overhaul the existing power plant and build a …

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Croatia High In Globalization Index, Serbia Last

Croatia is the most globalised country in the Balkans, and Serbia the least, according to the Index of Globalization 2009, that each year measures the economic, social and political scope of globalization in 208 countries and territories. The report is compiled by the Zurich-based KOF Economic Institute. The economic dimension …

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