Eurasia News

Ivory Coast: 10 killed in the mutiny in Abidjan Saturday in a jail

The balance of the mutiny that broke out Saturday at the House of Detention and Correction of Abidjan (Maca), the main prison in Ivory Coast rose to ten people including a prison guard, announced Monday at the AFP the prosecutor Aly Yeo. “The updated balance sheet is as follows: the …

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Tunisia: state of emergency extended by one month

Tunisia announced Sunday the one-month extension of the state of emergency throughout the country reinstated in November after a suicide attack against the presidential guard in full Tunis. “After consulting with the Head of Government and the President of the Assembly of People’s Representatives on issues related to national security, …

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Libya unity vote Tuesday

Benghazi – the internationally recognized Libya parliament is expected to hold a confidence vote Tuesday on a national unity government supported by the United Nations to this country from North Africa in the grip of conflict, an MP said. Deputy Aisha al-Aquarius says lawmakers wrapped up debate Monday on the …

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UN envoy to Tobruk to "help" Libya unity govt talks

Tobruk – UN envoy Martin Kobler visited the headquarters of the internationally recognized parliament of Libya on Sunday to “help” with a confidence vote on a national unity government for the crisis-torn country. “The eyes of the people of Libya are on Tobruk. They expect GNA. I am here today …

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Sudan rebels, troops clash in South Kordofan

Khartoum – Danish troops and rebels clashed around an army base in the state of South Kordofan agitated, both sides said on Monday, but giving contradictory versions of the fighting. North Sudan Liberation Army has been battling troops of President Omar al-Bashir in South Kordofan and Blue Nile since 2011, …

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