Eurasia News

Over 21 Libyan soldiers killed in clashes this week

Fighting raged between government forces and Islamists in eastern Libya on Tuesday, with 21 soldiers killed since the clashes broke out at the weekend, a medical official said. The continued fighting came a day after UN envoy Bernardino Leon said he hoped the rival parliaments in the largely lawless North …

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Fifty killed in North Sinai attacks claimed by ISIL

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants launched a wide-scale coordinated assault on several military checkpoints in Egypt’s North Sinai on July 1 in which 50 people were killed, security sources said, the largest attack yet in the insurgency-hit province. Egyptian army F-16 jets and Apache helicopters strafed …

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NATO worried by prospects of heavy fighting return in Ukraine

NATO’s head warned on Thursday of a risk of a return to heavy fighting in Ukraine but said it would be unwise to declare a ceasefire agreement dead, despite repeated violations, because it remained the best hope for peace. The Ukrainian military on Tuesday accused pro-Russian rebels of conducting long-range …

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Algeria condemns terror attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait, Somalia and France

Algeria condemned in “the strongest terms” the terrorist attacks against a hotel in Sousse in Tunisia, a mosque in Kuwait, an AMISOM base in Mogadishu (Somalia) and a plant in France’s Isere. It also expressed solidarity with the governments and the victims’ families.

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Libyan sides discuss peace in Morocco

Officials from Libya’s rival parliaments sat down at the same table for the first time on Sunday at the latest round of UN -backed peace talks in Morocco – a move negotiators saw as an important step to forming a unity government. Libya has two governments and parliaments, with the …

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South Sudan army battles rebels for key northern town

Warring forces in South Sudan battled on Sunday over a key northern town with both rebels and the army claiming control after the latest peace talks collapsed without progress. Rebels said militia commander Johnson Olony, a notorious ex-government general accused of recruiting an army of child soldiers, was in “full …

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Southern Mali village attacked by armed militias

Armed men attacked a village in the southern Mali region of Sikasso close to the border with Ivory Coast on Sunday, defence ministry spokesperson Colonel Diaran Kone said. The attack came a day after suspected Islamist fighters attacked a town in western Mali near the border with Mauritania, leaving 12 …

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