Eurasia News

Mali calls for international force to help stabilize Libya

Mali’s foreign minister has told the UN Security Council that an international force could help stabilize Libya and the entire Sahel region and check the threat from Islamist groups. Mali is among five countries that launched an appeal to the United Nations and the African Union for foreign intervention to fight Libyan armed …

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Western Foreign Ministers to discuss Ukraine on Jan 9

Ukrainian, Russian, French and German Foreign Ministers hold a conference call later this week to discuss a possible summit meeting of their leaders in Kazakhstan, to address the crisis in east Ukraine, an Ukrainian official said Tuesday. Foreign Ministry spokesman Yevgeny Perebeinos said foreign ministers would hold a conference call …

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Syrian chemical weapons to be destroyed by June

High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Angela Kane briefed the Security Council this morning on chemical weapons in Syria, in particularly followup in resolution 2118. After the conclusion of the joint OPCW-UN mission late last year, this is the first briefing for her to the Council, Kane told the reporters.

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Libyan recognised government aks for weapons aid to battle militia

Libya’s internationally recognised government on Monday appealed for weapons to combat militias which have seized parts of the oil-rich nation, at an emergency meeting of the Arab League. “We call on the international community to assume its legal and moral responsibilities and to arm, without further delay, the Libyan army,” …

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Arab League expresses commitment to stop conflict in Libya

The Arab League held an emergency meeting in Cairo on Monday to discuss recent developments in Libya, according to an Arab League statement. The meeting came following an urgent request made by Ashour Bourashed, Libya’s permanent delegate to the League. The meeting was attended by Secretary General Nabil El-Araby and …

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Pakistan Parliament passes bill for military courts

Pakistan’s parliament today overwhelmingly passed two key bills aimed at setting up military courts for the speedy trial of “hardcore terrorists” in the aftermath of the Peshawar school massacre by Taliban. The National Assembly passed unopposed two key amendment bills to set up military courts in the country.

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Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany leaders could meet in Astana on Jan.15

Germany cast doubt on Monday on whether a four-way summit on the Ukraine crisis in Kazakhstan’s capital Astana on Jan.15 would take place and France’s president said the meeting would depend on the likelihood of “new progress” being made. More than 4,700 people have been killed in fighting between Kiev’s …

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Hollande supports Syrian opposition, excludes any alliance with Al-Assad

French President Francois Hollande on Monday urged more support for the “moderate” Syrian opposition groups seeking to oust the regime of President Bashar Al-Assad and he excluded any alliance with the Syrian leader to fight against ISIL and other extremists in that country. Speaking on “France Inter” radio, Hollande again …

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