Eurasia News

Lebanese PM calls for intl help on Syrian refugees

Lebanon Prime Minister Tammam Salam hoped on Tuesday that the international community is aware of Lebanon’s huge financial needs to confront the burden of refugees. “The refugees are affecting our economy and security … We call for more funding to confront the repercussions of the refugee crisis,” Salam said at the …

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UN praises Pakistan efforts in Afhan peace process

Pakistan’s support for a peaceful, stabile, united and prosperous Afghanistan has been acknowledged by the United Nations when on Tuesday. Jan Kubis, UN Secretary General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, acknowledged country’s important contribution towards peace and stability and deeper engagement on issues of trade, reconstruction, rehabilitation, regional and economic cooperation …

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Turkish jets fly over Iraq to gather intelligence against PKK targets

Turkish army has said its surveillance aircraft have conducted reconnaissance flight in northern Iraq to gather intelligence from camps of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The army said in a statement on Tuesday that four RF-4E surveillance planes flew in northern Iraq to survey “separatist terrorist organization targets,” a …

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Egypt to cancel trade agreement with Turkey signed during Morsi period

The Egyptian government has decided not to extend a comprehensive free trade agreement signed with Turkey during the rule of the ousted ex-President Mohamed Morsi. Ties between the two countries have been strained since Morsi’s ouster last year, with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan repeatedly condemning the “coup” and describing the military …

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Libyan PM accepts Sudan peace proposal

Sudan said on Tuesday that Libya’s internationally recognised premier has accepted its proposal to bring together different groups in his strife-torn North African nation for talks on ending the conflict. Mounting unrest across Libya has virtually confined the internationally recognised government to the eastern city of Tobruk, and last month …

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Tunisia Islamists defeated in parliamentary elections

Voters sought security and stability with familiar faces from Tunisia’s more authoritarian past, but the Islamist Ennahada’s weight in parliament will make them a player in any future government. Tunisia’s well-organised Islamists have been defeated in parliamentary elections, paying the price for the turbulent years they ruled after the Arab …

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Egypt deploys reinforcements to Sinai

Additional troops from the armed forces and police have been deployed to the Sinai Peninsula, to assist forces already present in the “war on terror”. Soldiers from the Second and Third Field Armies, and Rapid Intervention Units, were transported by air to the volatile peninsula. The movement comes in the …

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Egyptian FM meets British PM

UK Prime Minister David Cameron hosted Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry at Downing Street on Monday to discuss the threat of international terrorism and the Egyptian economy. Cameron expressed his condolences to the Egyptian people and government for the deadly attacks in North Sinai, which claimed the lives of 30 …

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Paris holds trilateral meeting on Nagorno Karabakh

French President Francois Hollande held talks with the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan in a fresh push to end the festering conflict over the disputed region of Nagorno Karabakh. The summit in Paris enabled “the resumption of a direct dialogue” between the presidents of the two countries, though no accord …

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