Eurasia News

No ground troops in Iraq, says French foreign minister

France’s foreign minister stressed Thursday that its role in an international coalition to combat ISIL will see it continue airstrikes against the militant group, but it has no intention to send in ground troops. “I’m crystal clear about it. It is necessary that Iraqis themselves are involved,” Laurent Fabius stated …

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French Interior Minister to visit Ankara

The French interior minister arrived in Ankara on Sept. 26 for talks with his Turkish counterpart aimed at improving intelligence and security communications, after an embarrassing bungle allowed three suspected jihadists to walk free.

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Ukraine, Russia to hold talks on gas dispute

Russia and Ukraine are holding talks to solve their long-running gas dispute as pressure mounts for a solution to head off a winter supply crisis in Ukraine and beyond. Today’s meeting in Berlin between the Russian and Ukrainian energy ministers, brokered by EU energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger, comes more than …

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UK to join fight against IS

Prime Minister David Cameron recalled Parliament today and made a case for the UK to join US-led air strikes against Islamic State (IS) terror network in Iraq which he warned could “not just take months but years”. Cameron told MPs that IS poses a “clear and proven” threat to British …

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Egyptian President, Obama discuss bilateral relations

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and US President Barack Obama discussed on Thursday evening both sides’ views on the “overall situation” in the Middle East, according to a Friday statement by the foreign ministry. The meeting dealt with bilateral relations and ways of developing them in various fields in order …

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Turkey to participate in military actions against ISIL

Turkey could lend military or logistical support to U.S.-led air strikes against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants in Syria, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğanwas quoted as saying on Sept. 23, signaling a potential shift in Ankara’s stance on the issue. “We will give the necessary support to the …

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Obama condemns Russian agression against Ukraine

US President Barack Obama has slammed Russia’s “aggression” in Ukraine but offered to lift sanctions against Moscow if it throws its weight behind an unravelling peace deal with Kiev. The outstretched hand to Moscow on Wednesday came a day after pro-Russian guerillas brushed off Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s limited self-rule …

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India could be asked to join fight against IS

As Washington completes a round of airstrikes on the Islamic State (IS) of Iraq and Syria, U.S President Barack Obama on Wednesday garnered more support for the coalition at the United Nations. On Monday, PTI quoted U.S. officials as saying that Mr. Obama will ask Prime Minister Narendra Modi to …

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