Eurasia News

Obama, Modi to meet at the end of month

U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday hinted that his summit meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the end of the month may to large extent focus on counterterrorism and security cooperation policies, including within its ambit the rise of Islamic State in Syria and Iraq and prospects for …

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EU to apply new sanctions on Russia

Ukraine accused pro-Russian rebels of waging fresh attacks in the restive east today, further imperilling a fragile truce as EU leaders prepared to approve punishing new sanctions on Moscow. Russia warned it would retaliate against the new measures, which the EU has nevertheless said could be suspended if Moscow observes …

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France halts Mistral delivery to Russia

Blaming Russian behaviour and actions in Ukraine, France on Wednesday decided to stop the delivery of the first of two Mistral heavy transport ships to Russia, President Francois Hollande’s office announced Wednesday. The move is certain to spark bitter controversy with Moscow.

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Merkel says NATO-Russia agreements remain unchanged

As the Nato summit is set to kick off in Wales tomorrow, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed that the Nato-Russian military agreements will remain unchanged, curbing any rising fears between Russia and Nato due to the Ukrainian crisis. In a press statement on Wednesday, Merkel said “the Nato-Russian Military agreements …

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Fierce clashes in Libya’s eastern city of Benghazi

Fierce clashes in Libya’s eastern city of Benghazi between Islamist militiamen and rival forces loyal to a renegade general have killed 31 fighters on both sides, a security official said on Tuesday. The fighting erupted late on Monday, with forces and fighter jets belonging to General Khalifa Hifter pounding positions …

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NATO to create quick response force in Eastern Europe

Nato is to form a 4,000 strong spearhead force designed to go into action in 48 hours in response to Russian intervention in Ukraine. Stockpiles of military equipment will be stored at bases in Eastern Europe for the troops to use when they go into operation.The mission, which is expected …

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