Eurasia News

Over 40 dead in East Ukraine after army clashes with rebels

Government troops fought to gain control of the rebel-held city of Donetsk and a key highway in eastern Ukraine on Wednesday — battles that left 34 residents and nine troops dead in just 24 hours, authorities said. The Ukrainian troops are trying to encircle Donetsk, the largest city still in …

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Russia holds military exercises in South

 The Russian defense ministry said on Wednesday it was conducting fresh military exercises in the south of the country as fighting intensified between rebels and government forces in Ukraine. On Tuesday, fighting erupted in the heart of major rebel stronghold Lugansk, as the bodies of 17 civilians fleeing the city …

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EU says dialogue is only solution for political crisis in Pakistan

The EU on Wednesday expressed deep concern over the current situation in Pakistan and said it is monitoring events closely. “We reiterate our conviction that the current impasse should be resolved peacefully through dialogue within the framework of the Constitution and we urge all parties to act responsibly and to …

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Morocco dismantles recruitment cell for Iraq

Moroccan police say they have dismantled a nine-person cell recruiting volunteers to fight with the radical Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq. The interior ministry statement on Thursday said the investigation into the network, based in the cities of Tetouan, Fez and Fnideq, was carried out in co-operation with …

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France to deliver Mistral ships to Russia

There is nothing that would stop France from delivering two Mistral helicopter carrier ships to Russia, French President Francois Hollande said Wednesday, Aug 20. “Today’s level of sanctions will not hamper deliveries … Should there be new tensions and it is difficult to find a way out, we will have …

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Germany, Italy to provide arms to Kurdish fighters

Germany is prepared to arm Kurdish fighters battling Sunni insurgents in northern Iraq, officials said Wednesday, Aug 20, according to the Associated Press. Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier cited the “barbaric” actions of the Islamic State group that has taken control of large parts of Iraq in recent weeks, and the …

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