Eurasia News

Turkey rejects allegations that chemical weapons have been sent to neighboring Syria via Turkey

The Turkish Foreign Ministry on Thursday rejected allegations that chemical weapons have been sent to neighboring Syria via Turkey, saying the charges are “impossible to take seriously.” “It is out of the question that we show the slightest tolerance for the use, possession and production of chemical weapons,” Foreign Ministry …

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Syria hands materials to Russia regarding chemical weapons

Syria has turned over materials to Russia which aim to show a chemical weapons attack last month was carried out by rebels, a top Russian diplomat visiting Damascus and a Syrian official said yesterday. The August 21 attack precipitated the current high tensions over Syria’s chemical weapons and sparked a …

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Egyptian troops hunt down militants in village near Cairo

Security forces on Friday hunted down militants in a village near Cairo amid a lull in clashes with gunmen, as Egyptian state media praised the “liberation” of Islamist bastion Kerdassah. A police general was shot dead when security forces stormed the village near the Giza pyramids on Thursday in the latest crackdown on Islamist …

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Kuwait pledges to provide Egypt $4bn in aid

Kuwait will provide $4bn in aid to Egypt, state news agency Kuna said on Wednesday, matching pledges by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates that showed Gulf Arab approval of the Egyptian army’s ousting of Islamist

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French president says the war against terror was won in Mali

French President Francois Hollande declared Thursday that the war on terror had been won in the West African nation of Mali, listing the towns that French and Malian troops had liberated from al-Qaida’s local fighters earlier this year. Hollande spoke before more than a dozen heads of state at inauguration festivities for …

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