Eurasia News

Bulgarian Defense Minister says no request was made to involve in Syria

No request or an inquiry has been sent to Bulgaria up to now about possible participation in a military operation in Syria, Bulgarian Defense Minister Angel Naydenov said. “At the meeting of the government’s Security Council we said there were three possible scenarios for the

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Russian says it’s not convinced over US evidence on chemical weapons use in Syria

Russia is unconvinced by evidence presented by the United States and its allies of an alleged chemical attack outside Damascus that the West says was perpetrated by the Syrian regime, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday.

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Morsi stands trial in Egypt

Egyptian prosecutors referred Sunday ousted president Mohamed Morsi and 14 other people to a criminal court over the killing of a journalist and the violence that erupted over his controversial presidential declaration last year. The prosecutor general, Hesham Barakat, accused Morsi

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Serbian Deputy PM says Belgrade and Zagreb have the obligation to make violence impossible

Serbian Deputy prime minister Vucic said on Saturday that politicians in both Belgrade and Zagreb have “the obligation to make violence impossible”. “I’m convinced that our countries will never again confront each other,” Vucic said.

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