Eurasia News

Pakistani PM pushes for end of violence

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has made his first televised address to the nation since taking office after winning elections in May. He called for dialogue with extremists to put an end to violence that has left thousands of people dead in the country over the past several years. But …

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Musharraf was indicted on Benazir Bhutto’s murder

Pakistan’s ex-military ruler Pervez Musharraf was indicted Tuesday on three counts over the murder of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto who died in a gun and suicide attack in December 2007. Bringing charges against a former army chief is an unprecedented move in a country ruled for more than half of …

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Serbian President to meet with representatives of Kosovo Serbs

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic is to meet with representatives of Kosovo Serbs on Tuesday. Last week Nikolic met with representatives of the Serbs in Kosovo and urged them to participate in the local elections in the autumn. The assembly of Kosovo which is comprised of representatives of the Serbs in …

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Russia and United States to discuss Syria in Hague next week

Top Russian and US officials will meet in The Hague next week to discuss preparations for a long-delayed international peace conference on Syria, Russia’s deputy foreign minister said on Monday. “This meeting will take place in the middle of next week in The Hague,” Russia’s Deputy

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