Eurasia News

Greece secures new bailout terms

Lenders in Europe agreed to new terms for loans to Greece that will free up an additional $3.6 billion disbursement for the debt-burdened government. The agreement includes a new round of austerity measures. Specifically, The New York Times reported Monday, Greece will layoff an additional 15,000 civil servants, including 4,000 …

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Bosnia-Herzegovina must become a full member of the OIC, said OIC SG Ihsanoglu

Ihsanoglu on Monday said that Bosnia-Herzegovina had to be a full member of the OIC and benefit from the opportunities the organization offered to member statesSecretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu held a joint press conference with Bosniak member of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Tripartite Presidency, Bakir …

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Slovakia could recognize Kosovo if Belgrade and Pristina sign agreement

Slovakia has always said it will recognize Kosovo once Belgrade and Priština sign an agreement to normalize their relations, said the country’s former Prime Minister Iveta Radičova. She added that Slovakia will support Serbia strongly on its path towards EU membership.

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Intense battle between Syrian forces and rebels near Lebanon border

Syrian forces have battled rebels in the central province of Homs near the border with Lebanon as part of a counter-offensive aimed at regaining control of territory around the country and along strategic border areas. On Friday, April 12 troops clashed with rebels

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