Eurasia News

Serbia Urged to Aid Threatened Savers in Cyprus

As Cyprus crisis worsens, secretary of Serbian banks association says Belgrade should compile a list of Serbian savers and help those most in need.Veroljub Dugalic, from the Association of Serbian Banks, says Serbia should compile a list of its citizens with savings in Cypriot banks and offer them aid if …

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Croatia TV Punishes Staff Over Anti-Serb Rant

Croatian public broadcaster HRT replaced two editors and a presenter after Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said they allowed hate speech to be aired on prime-time news.Katja Kusec, presenter of the evening news show Dnevnik 3, and two of Dnevnik 3’s editors, Ruzica Renic and Denis Latin, were replaced on Tuesday …

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Macedonia Parties Abusing Election Campaign, NGOs Say

Politicians are routinely misusing public resources and offering electoral sweeteners to voters ahead of the March 24 polls, leading NGOs say.In its preliminary report on the campaign for the March 24 local election, Civil, a Skopje-based NGO, highlighted numerous violations of the campaign rules. Alleged abuses range from promises of …

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Cost of Mismanagement Rises in Albania

The annual report of the High State Audit office says poor management of state-owned companies cost Albania twice as much in 2012 as it did the previous year.The head of Albania’s State Audit Office, Bujar Leskaj, told parliament on Tuesday that audits in 2012 brought to light €97.3 million worth …

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Serbia Tops Balkans For Illicit Financial Flows

The organisation Global Financial Integrity has ranked Serbia worst of all Balkan countries when it comes to illegal financial flows.About 5 billion dollars worth of money has “disappeared” every year in Serbia from 2001 to 2010 through illegal financial flows, the research and advocacy organisation Global Financial Integrity says. It …

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