Eurasia News

Skopje opposition leader to push for snap general elections

Leader of Macedonian oppositional party Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), Branko Crvenkovski, will ask for calling snap parliamentary elections in Macedonia no matter what the results of the March 24 local elections. “If we are united, if we stay firm and if we are decided

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Serbian PM says the country will not turn its back on Kosovo Serbs

At a ceremony marking nine years after anti-Serb violence in Kosovo, the serbian prime minister reiterated that 19 civilians were killed, 800 injured, 3,870 expelled and that 935 houses and 34 churches were destroyed. “I wish something like this will never happen again and I want Serbia to protect security …

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Turkey backs Tunisia’s democratic transitional process

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said that Turkey supports Tunisia’s democratic transitional process. The Turkish official headed to Tunisia on Sunday to meet and discuss formal topics with Tunisian officials. At his arrival, Bozdag stressed the rooted relations between two countries and said Turkey supports Tunisians during the democratic …

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Syrian opposition meets in Istanbul to elect prime minister

The Syrian opposition on Monday met in Istanbul to elect a prime minister which should run an interim government for the territory that was freed from regime control. Members of the opposition Syrian National Coalition attended the meeting, which is recognised by dozens of countries and organisations as a legitimate …

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