Eurasia News

Greek Cyprus bailout looms over EU summit

The heads of states of European countries are gathering at a two-day EU summit, where they will be tackling the long-standing issue of forming a bailout plan for Greek Cyprus. The freshly elected Greek Cypriot President Anastasiades is holding his breath to come up trumps at the summit. European Union …

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Romania’s goal to join euro in 2015 ‘unfeasible’: president

Romania’s goal to join the eurozone in 2015 is “unfeasible”, President Traian Basescu told lawmakers on Tuesday. “The 2015 deadline for entering the eurozone looks unfeasible to me,” Basescu said in a speech to parliament. “But it is essential for us to adopt the single currency within the next three …

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Serbia Marks Tenth Anniversary of Djindjic Murder

Thousands marched through Belgrade carrying red roses as the city marked the passing of a decade since the assassination of pro-Western Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.Thousands of people gathered in front of the headquarters of the Liberal Democratic Party in Belgrade on Tuesday for their annual procession through the capital commemorating …

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Bulgaria Appoints Caretaker Govt Ahead of Polls

A caretaker government has been appointed to run Bulgaria ahead of early general elections in May, the President announced.Marin Raykov will head Bulgaria’s caretaker government until the May 12 elections, the Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev announced on Tuesday. “The prime minister should be a good diplomat. He must be sensible …

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Serbia President Eyes Deal on North Kosovo

Ahead of the next round of Kosovo talks, Serbia’s President says a deal on the Serb-run north is within reach now that Kosovo has agreed to certain ‘concessions’.Tomislav Nikolic said that a deal between Kosovo and Serbia over northern Kosovo was within sight, following talks in Brussels in which Kosovo …

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OSCE Snubs Albanian Proposal to Lower Voting Age

The OSCE head in Albania, Eugen Wolfarth, on Tuesday criticised a proposal by Prime Minister Sali Berisha to rush through an extension of voting rights to 16-year-olds ahead of the June 23 elections.“Ahead of this election there is no time [for such a change],” Wolfarth said. “Such thing cannot be …

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Belgrade Denies Backing Bosnia Serb Opposition

Serbia’s Vice-Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vucic, has dismissed reports that he wants opposition parties in the Serb-led entity to win the 2014 elections.Aleksandar Vucic, Vice-President of the Serbian government, has dismissed reports in the Sarajevo media that Belgrade plans to help the opposition in Republika Srpska win the next general election …

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Macedonia Recalls Deportation of Jews to Camps

With the message that ‘It can be forgiven, but not forgotten,’ Macedonia on Monday marked the 70th anniversary of the deportation of the Jewish community to Nazi death camps.Representatives of the Community of the Jews in Macedonia, the Holocaust Fund of Macedonian Jews, the President, the government and other organizations …

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Serbia never closer to getting EU date

Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivan Mrkic said that the country “has never been closer to getting a date for the start of EU accession talks”. After talks with foreign officials Mrkic said that “no one explicitly said that an agreement on Serb municipalities in Kosovo is the key precondition for that”.

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Serbian PM says no progress reached on Serb municipalities in Kosovo

Serbian officials said in Brussels last night, “either give us the community of Serb municipalities or let’s not waste any more time”. The Serbian prime minister,  Ivica Dacic, spoke after returning from the meeting at the seat of the EU, held on Monday evening. “This is about everyone’s interest in …

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