Eurasia News

Serbia Lifts Permitted Aflatoxin Limit Tenfold

Serbia has massively increased the permitted level of aflatoxins in milk, posing a potential threat to the country’s dairy exports.Serbia has raises the maximum permitted concentration of aflatoxins in milk to 0.5 micrograms per kilo from 0.05 micrograms – a tenfold increase. Goran Knezevic, the Agriculture Minister, said the government …

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Nationalists Protest Kosovo PM’s Concessions on North

Opposition MPs interrupted Prime Minister Hashim Thaci on Thursday – angered by his decision to permit local authorities in the Serb-run north to form an ‘association’.Liburn Aliu and Visar Ymeri, MPs from the opposition nationalist Self-Determination Movement, went up to podium of parliament holding a banner as Prime Minister Thaci …

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Bulgaria President Calls Elections on May 12

General election all but inevitable, if as seems likely the ethnic Turkish party refuses to form a government.Bulgarians will go to the polls on May 12, President Rosen Plevneliev announced on Thursday in a special address to parliament. The date is predicated on the likely refusal of the ethnic Turkish-dominated …

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Macedonian Parties end political deadlock

Macedonian political parties on Friday reached a deal ending months of political deadlock and an opposition boycott of Parliament that had threatened the country’s efforts to join the European Union and NATO. In a deal brokered by EU officials, conservative Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski

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New Cyprus president sworn in

Newly-elected Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades was sworn in on Thursday for a five-year term and immediately issued a warning to prospective international lenders that forcing depositors in Cypriot banks to take losses was out of the question.

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First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece to visit Azerbaijan

Mr. Dimitrios Kourkoulas, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece will visit Baku on 6-8 March, 2013. He will meet with members of the Government of Azerbaijan, according to the Greek Embassy in Azerbaijan. He will also lead a business delegation which will participate in the Greek-Azerbaijani business forum.

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Hague Acquits Yugoslav General Perisic of War Crimes

The Hague Tribunal acquitted Yugoslav Army general Momcilo Perisic on appeal, quashing his 27-year prison sentence for war crimes during the 1990s conflict.The appeals chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia ruled on Thursday that Perisic was not responsible for the wartime crimes committed by the Bosnian …

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