Eurasia News

New CIA Rendition Probe Lists Romania Detentions

A new report says that Romania detained six individuals on behalf of the CIA after the 9/11 attacks.Some 54 countries, including Romania and Poland, assisted in the CIA’s secret detention and rendition programme in the years after 9/11 terrorist attacks, a new human rights report says. The report, made public …

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Macedonia Opposition MPs Threaten to Resign

In a new bid to force an early general election, opposition Social Democrat MPs say they will resign from parliament ‘in days’.The opposition Social Democrats issued their resignation threat, saying the government of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski had ignored their demands for early general elections. The MPs’ resignations will arrive …

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EU Urges Free and Fair Albania Elections

Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule urged Albanian leaders on Monday to hold elections according to international standards, describing them as a crucial test of democracy.The successful conduct of parliamentary elections in 2013 will be a crucial test for the smooth functioning of the country’s democratic institutions,” Fule said following meetings in …

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Greek political parties to testify over bank loans

Greek prosecutors have ordered the two main ruling parties to testify in an investigation into more than 200 million euros in loans they received from banks, officials said on Friday. The investigation – which is examining whether the loans are legal and whether any wrongdoing was involved – could embarrass …

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Serbia Albanians Rally Against Monument to Police

Around 1,000 ethnic Albanians demonstrated in the southern town of Bujanovac, demanding Belgrade remove the memorial which they see as provocative.Protesters at Friday’s rally carried Albanian flags and placards accusing Serbia of discrimination. They called on Belgrade to take down the monument to Serbian police killed during the Kosovo conflict …

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European Socialists Renew Call for EU Enlargement

Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament have issued a call for a renewed EU commitment to the Western Balkan enlargement process.Hannes Swoboda, president of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, said enlargement momentum should be stimulated again so that the Western Balkans could join the European Union. …

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Kosovo MPs Feel Left in Dark About Serbia Talks

Kosovo MPs have asked Prime Minister Hashim Thaci to give parliament more information about the ongoing EU-led dialogue with Serbia.The opposition Democratic League of Kosovo has demanded more clarity about the character of agreements being reached with Serbia in the EU-led dialogue in Brussels. “Any agreements between the two states …

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Romanian Adverts Make Light of British Stereotypes

In a light-hearted response to British fears of mass immigration from Romania next year, a newspaper has launched a campaign inviting British people to come to Romania instead.“Half of our women look like Kate. The other half like her sister.” Kate, of course, is Kate Middleton, wife of Prince William …

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Montenegro Social Democrats Oppose Vujanovic

The junior coalition partner of the country’s ruling Democratic Party of Socialists says it cannot support the idea of Filip Vujanovic running again for the presidency.The Social Democratic Party has said it will not support the nomination of the current Montenegrin president, Filip Vujanovic, for another term in office. “He …

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