Eurasia News

Serbia, Croatia Investigate Dvor na Uni War Crime

The Serbian and Croatian prosecutors have questioned on Monday in the Danish capital Copenhagen, two potential witnesses to the war crimes in the Croatian municipality Dvor in 1995.The Chief Croatian Prosecutor, Mladen Bajic, and his Serbian counterpart, Vladimir Vukcevic have questioned, together with their Danish colleagues, two members of the …

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Romanian President Appoints Victor Ponta as PM

The leader of the center-left ruling coalition in Romania has been nominated to lead the country’s future government.The Romanian president, Traian Basescu, on Monday re-appointed Victor Ponta as the prime minister, in a move aimed to end the current political stalemate. Rather unusually, Basescu announced the nomination in a written …

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Montenegro Advised to Tighten Judiciary Appointments

The Advisory body of Council of Europe suggests that the most important judicial functions in Montenegro should be appointed by a two-third parliamentary majority.The Council of Europe’s advisory body on constitutional matters, the Venice Commission, has examined the draft opinion on draft amendments to the Constitutional provisions relating to the …

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Albania Recognises Syrian Opposition

Albania on Friday said it had recognized the anti-Assad opposition as the only legitimate representative of the Syrian people.“Albania calls on the United Nations and NATO to take all the necessary measures to stop the barbarian massacre being carried out by Bashar Al-Assad and his regime against the Syrian people,” …

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Croatia’s Credit Rating Downgraded to ‘Junk’

Standard and Poor’s downgraded Croatia’s credit rating to junk on Friday, a development deemed “catastrophic” by a local analyst.”The Croatian government’s reforms have so far been insufficient to eliminate the structural rigidities that hamper the country’s growth potential,” the rating agency said in a statement explaining its decision to lower …

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Macedonian Budget Blocked in Parliament

The Macedonian opposition has blocked the adoption of the national budget for next year, as it battles with the government over proposed loans.Parliament’s Commission on Financing and Budget is blocked with over 1,200 amendments submitted by the opposition Social Democrats, SDSM. This makes it uncertain whether the commission will have …

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Following last autumn’s “state of the Union” speech, that outlined a vision for a federal Europe[1], the “Blueprint for a deep and genuine economic and monetary union”, unveiled recently by José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, to be submitted at the December 2012 European Union Summit and debated …

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Bosnia Burns Seized Drugs Worth €10 Million

Security Ministry organises destruction of a ton of various narcotics worth 10 million euro in the first organized mass destruction of narcotics since the war.Around a ton of different narcotics, mostly marijuana and heroin, were burned in incinerators in the southeastern town of Gacko on December 13. Prior to destruction, …

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Miskovic Arrest Adds to Serbian Deputy PM’s Lustre

Aleksandar Vucic can expect a ratings boost from the detention of Delta’s powerful boss – but the real test will be the follow-up in the courts.The arrest of tycoon Miroslav Miskovic is a major coup for Serbia’s governing Progressive Party and its combative leader, Aleksander Vucic, commentators agree. But while …

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EU Urges Croatia to Prosecute War Crimes

The Croatian local courts need to prosecute those responsible for war crimes that took place in Croatia, EU official says.According to the Head of EU Delegation to Serbia, Vincent Degert, local courts in Croatia need to prosecute those responsible for war crimes committed during the Croatian military operation Storm in …

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