Eurasia News

Albanian Passport Offer Makes Waves in Balkans

Albania’s announcement that it plans to offer speedy citizenship to ethnic Albanians across the world has stirred huge interest in Kosovo while ruffling feathers elsewhere in the region.Kosovars have been crowding outside the Albanian embassy in Pristina in larger numbers than usual lately, in the hope of obtaining an Albanian …

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Bosnia Marks Human Rights Day with Mock Funeral

Human rights activists in various cities marched peacefully in order to point out crude violations of human rights across Bosnia and Herzegovina.The activists of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, YIHR, carried an improvised casket and a slogan which read “Human Rights: Rest in Peace” in peaceful marches organised on …

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Serbia Unlikely to Start EU Accession Talks Before June

EU foreign ministers will recommend that Serbia gets a start date for EU accession talks in six months.Serbia will not get a date for the start of the EU accession negotiations until the next steps in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue are made, says a document that the EU foreign ministers should …

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EU Council of Ministers to Discuss Macedonian Bid

Ahead of the EU Council of Ministers discussion on Macedonia’s blocked EU bid, Athens sends a message dampening Skopje’s hopes of opening EU accession talks prior to the resolution of the ‘name’ dispute.The Greek Foreign Ministry said that the condition for lifting its blockade to Macedonia’s EU membership remains the …

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Bosnian Judiciary Politicised, Claims NGO

The most pressing problems of the Bosnian judiciary are politicisation, backlog of cases, poor method of financing and failure to prosecute corrupted senior officials, claims a study by Transparency International.The Bosnian branch of Transparency International has presented on Friday at a conference organised to mark the International Anti-Corruption Day, findings …

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Artists and Academics to Help Reconciliation in Region

Art and education should be used to bring about reconciliation in the region of the former Yugoslavia, a Sarajevo round table heard.Bosnian and regional academics and artists have met in Sarajevo on Friday to discuss their role in the regional reconciliation following the 1990s wars. Dino Mustafic, a Bosnian director, …

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Croatian, Serbian Officials Meet Following ICTY Verdicts

The Serbian and Croatian high officials have met for the first time since the ICTY acquittal of two Croatian generals in an effort to restore cooperation after their relations worsened over the last several months.Serbia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vucic, met his Croatian counterpart, Neven Mimica, on Saturday on the …

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Bulgaria’s NATO Afghanistan Forces Down to 160 by 2015

Bulgaria’s government will withdraw most of the country’s rangers in the NATO security mission in Afghanistan with only 160 of them remaining there by the end of 2014, Defense Minister, Anyu Angelov, has confirmed. A total of 600 Bulgarian soldiers and medical staff are currently stationed in Afghanistan in Kabul …

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Serbia’s Far Right Wants NGOs Labelled as ‘Foreign Agents’

A Belgrade based far right group has requested that all the country’s NGOs and media funded from abroad, including BIRN, be labelled as “foreign agents”, based on a Russian model.On Friday, the Serbian far-right movement “SNP Nasi” called on the authorities to pass a law that would label all NGOs …

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KLA Veterans in Protest Over Limaj’s Detention

Around two hundred Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, veterans protested in Pristina demanding the release of their ex commander, Fatmir Limaj and three other ex comrades, all defendants in the Klecka case.Shouting “KLA, KLA, KLA” and “Freedom for liberators”, the protesters held photos of Limaj and banners highlighting their request in …

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