Eurasia News

No Extra Tax for Macedonia’s Bachelors

The small right wing TMRO party, part of the Macedonian government, has retreated from its idea of taxing unmarried people as a way of boosting birth rate.In a written statement issued on Monday the head of TMRO, Vanco Sehtanski, withdrew the proposal and apologised to “all concerned”. “The idea for …

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Thaci: No Autonomy for Northern Kosovo

Kosovo’s PM Hashim Thaci has ruled out any possibility of autonomy for the Serb-run northern Kosovo.The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said that the autonomy for Northern Kosovo was “just an old dream of Serbia’s that will never come true”. “The idea that has been presented in the Serbian …

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Tadic Quits Race to Lead Serbia Democrats

Serbia’s former president has abandoned his ambitions to remain at the helm of the Democratic Party, and will cede the post to Belgrade Mayor Dragan Djilas.Boris Tadic, leader of the opposition Democrats, announced on Sunday after a session of the party’s main board that he would not run for office …

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Montenegro Ruling Party Agrees Minority Demands

After the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, said it agreed to the terms set by the ethnic minority parties, a new government is expected to be formed soon.Montenegro’s ruling party has settled terms with the country’s ethnic minority parties, paving the way to the formation of a majority government. The …

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Ruling Coalition Tipped to Win Romania Election

The leftist coalition governing Romania is firmly on course to win December’s parliamentary elections.Romanian parties have officially announced their candidates for the general elections scheduled for December 9. Some 4,000 people – including many businessmen, journalists and artists – will run for the 452 seats in Romania’s bicameral parliament.

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Mixed Verdict on Serbia Govt’s First 100 Days

Serbia’s new government has not lived up to its election rhetoric on the economy, corruption, education and health, experts said on Friday at the release of a joint BIRN-NALED report.The National Alliance for Local Economy Development, NALED, and the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, BIRN, presented a mixed picture of the …

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Bulgarian GERB MP Backs ‘Tainted’ Judge before EC

The Chair of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Iskra Fidosova, has sent a letter to the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, informing him on the hearing of judge, Veneta Markovska. Ignoring strong criticism from the European Commission that the Parliament is covering up tipoffs against one of the …

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Bosnian Political Deal Draws Criticism from Judiciary

Foreign diplomats and the president of Bosnia’s highest judicial authority expressed their concern over the recent SDP-SNSD agreement which includes election of prosecutors.The president of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, HJPC, Milorad Novkovic, and representatives of the international community criticised the agreement between the leaders of the Bosnian Serb …

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