Eurasia News

Opposition Slates Serbia’s ‘Secret’ Kosovo Platform

Opposition parties in Serbia say the government has not consulted them while drafting the platform for Kosovo talks and is wrongfully keeping the document secret.Borislav Stefanovic, Serbia’s former chief negotiator in EU-led Kosovo talks and member of the opposition Democrats, said it was absurd that the government’s draft platform on …

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Serbia, Macedonia Leaders to Tackle Church Row

The dispute between the Serbian and Macedonian Orthodox churches will be on the agenda during Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic’s two-day visit to Macedonia.President Nikolic and his Macedonian counterpart, Gjorge Ivanov, at their meeting on Friday will among other issues “tackle the row between the Serbian and Macedonian Orthodox churches”, a …

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EU Urges Balkan Countries to Stop Asylum Wave

The EU has warned Balkan countries that if they don’t lower the number of asylum seekers, visas may have to be re-introduced.Following a meeting of the EU interior ministers on Thursday, officials say that Balkan countries need to curb the number of people seeking asylum in Western Europe, describing the …

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Croatia PM Downplays Germany’s EU Concerns

In Berlin, Croatia’s Prime Minister described the recent controversy over Germany’s position on his country’s EU bid as a “storm in a teacup.”Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic on Thursday said concerns over recent negative statements by a German politician about Croatia’s readiness to enter the European Union were “a storm …

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Tadic to Quit Race to Lead Serbia Democrats

Serbia’s former president looks likely to abandon his ambitions to remain at the helm of the Democratic Party and cede the post to Belgrade Mayor Dragan Djilas.On the eve of the deadline for filing candidacy submissions in the Democratic Party leadership elections, the party leader, Boris Tadic, has decided to …

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Sanader Sentence Expected Late November

The first sentence on former Croatian PM Ivo Sanader for taking bribes could be issued by the end of November, the trial chamber presiding Judge Ivan Turudic announced.”The sentence could be issued between November 15 and 20 but it’s not definite yet,” Judge Turudic said at Thursday’s trial session. Sanader, …

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Montenegro’s Djukanovic Hints at Return to Office

Montenegro’s former leader tells media that his high-profile role in the October election campaign had ‘opened a door’ to his potential return to government.In interview published on Wednesday in the Belgrade-based weekly, Novi Magazin, Milo Djukanovic, chairman of the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, said that participating in the October …

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Bosnia SDP Denies Hatching Deal With Serbs, Croats

The Social Democratic Party denies reaching a secret political agreement with Serbian and Croatian parties in order to leave its party leader, Zlatko Lagumdzija, in office as Foreign Minister.Bosnia’s ruling Social Democratic Party, SDP, has denied accusations from its former coalition partner Party of Democratic Action, SDA, that it has …

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