Eurasia News

Serbia Lifts Ban on Late Night Sale of Alcohol

Serbia’s Constitutional Court has ruled that a ban on the sale of alcohol after 10pm in Belgrade is unconstitutional.After a year and a half, Belgraders will again be able to buy alcohol after 10 pm after the court deemed the ban unconstitutional. The city authorities in the Serbian capital introduced …

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Krasniqi Wants Privatization in Kosovo Put on Hold

The Speaker of Kosovo’s Assembly, Jakup Krasniqi, has asked the judiciary to hunt down the “privatization-don” whom he suspects is a politician, and called for the freeze of privatization processes.During Wednesday’s parliamentary session, Krasniqi questioned the privatization of the state owned companies, mentioning the case of the “Grand Hotel” for …

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Half a Million Voters Prepare for Montenegro Poll

Half a million voters will be eligible to vote in Montenegro’s upcoming parliamentary election, which is scheduled for October 14.Most of the voters are in the capital Podgorica, where more than 160,000 people can cast their ballot. The government announced the figures on Thursday. Voters next week will choose from …

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Greece Extends Friendship Offer to Macedonia

Macedonia says it will carefully consider the proposed bilateral memorandum of understanding that the Greek Foreign Minister sent on Thursday to his Macedonian counterpart.The spokesperson for the Macedonian government, Aleksander Gjorgiev, confirmed that the letter from the Greek Foreign Minister, Dimitris Avramopoulos, has been received, together with the draft memorandum, …

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Romania to Investigate Collapse of Oltchim Bid

Journalist-turned businessman Dan Diaconescu is to be investigated for allegedly falsifying documents to win a public tender.The privatisation department within the Ministry of Economy, OPSPI, has asked on Wednesday prosecutors to investigate whether the businessman and media owner Dan Diaconescu broke any laws in his bid for chemical company Oltchim …

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Kosovo’s Limaj Still Under Investigation

A Kosovo court has rejected Fatmir Limaj’s motion that he is not obliged to answer corruption charges as a statue of limitations expired on April 23, saying that he is still under investigation.Pristina’s District Court has ordered the former Minister of Transport Fatmir Limaj to make himself available to EULEX’s …

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Ex Albanian Insurgent Dies in Macedonian Prison

Ibrahim Sulejmani, a 39 year-old former commander of the disbanded Albanian guerrilla force that fought the short lived 2001 Macedonian conflict, has died on Wednesday in a Macedonian prison.The former rebel known by his wartime nickname “Commander Mimi” was found dead in a prison cell in the Stip Prison where …

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Serbian Special Forces on Trial for 2001 Mutiny

The trial of 8 ex members of the Serbian special operations unit, charged with mutiny in 2001, has started after some delays as the defence tried to have the prosecutor and the entire Trial Chamber removed.On Wednesday afternoon, the president of the Belgrade High Court, Dragoljub Albijanic, has rejected the …

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