Eurasia News

OSCE Fears Elections May Slow Albania Reforms

The OSCE head in Albania, Eugen Wollfarth, has praised recent reforms in Albania, while expressing concerns that they might grind to a halt in 2013 during a ‘competitive’ election campaign.“In the last 12 months the political climate has improved as institutions made progress to regain their functionality,” Walfarth said in …

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Greek parties still unable to clinch deal on austerity

A deal on making further cuts to Greece’s budget will take a few more days at least, after the leaders behind the coalition government failed to agree details of an austerity package that is crucial to the financial survival of the country. Prime Minister Antonis Samaras met again Thursday with …

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Bosniak and Croat Former Fighters Protest Together

Over 200 veterans of the Bosnian war protested in front of the government building of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, demanding better pensions.The protesters – all former members of the Bosnian Army and the Croatian Defence Council – carried signs reading “How long will army pensioners be humiliated?“, “Politicians …

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Gnjilane Verdict is Political, Says Kosovo Party

Kosovo’s opposition party Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, AAK, criticised the sentencing of 11 Albanians by a court in Serbia as an attempt to put pressure on the ethnic Albanians in south Serbia.In a press release issued on Thursday, AAK, the party led by the ICTY defendant Ramush Haradinaj, …

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Bosnia to Hold ‘Test’ Census in October

As Bosnia’s Statistics Agency announces a pilot census for this October, international monitors say the fate of the landmark 2013 census will depend on the success of the autumn test run.A pilot census for Bosnia, according the Statistics Agency, will be held next month, from October 15-29, aimed at showing …

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Turkey Pledges Military Aid For Kosovo

A senior Turkish General on a visit to Kosovo said Ankara will help strengthen the capacities of the Kosovo Security Forces, the KSF.Turkey has pledged to help Kosovo raise its military capacity, by aiding the Kosovo Security Forces, KSF, to reach its full operational potential. The Commander of Turkish Ground …

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Bosnia Pledges Partnership with Croatia on Border Issues

Minister says Bosnia wants to avoid tensions with Croatia on border issues around the town of Neum – and will accept any solution that doesn’t limit its maritime access and undermine its sovereignty.Bosnian’s Transport and Communications Minister, Damir Hadzic, said Bosnia and Croatia were partner states that should solve oustanding …

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