Eurasia News

Serbia’s Last Govt Accused of Hiding Public Debt

As Serbia’s State Auditors finalise their account of the public debt for 2011, the Finance Minister has accused the former government of concealing its true size.Radoslav Sretenovic, head of the State Audit Institution, DRI, is to publish the final data on the public debt as it stood on December 31, …

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Romania Delays Sale of Main Chemical Firm

The cash-strapped country has postponed the sale of the plastics manufacturer Oltchim.Romania on Monday again extended the deadline for receiving preliminary bids in the sale of its 55-per-cent stake in cthe hemical producer Oltchim Ramnicu Valcea to September 21. The economy ministry pushed back the deadline, responding to the fears …

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Serbia Seeks Kosovo Talks Without Preconditions

Head of Serbia’s Office for Kosovo says that Belgrade wishes to restart negotiations with Pristina as long as there are no preconditions.Aleksandar Vulin, head of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo, said that Serbia was “ready for negotiations and wants to negotiate” with the breakway former province. “However, we do …

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Bosnia to be EU member before Turkey

Erdogan said he believed Bosnia-Herzegovina would be a member of the EU before Turkey.Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that he believed that Bosnia-Herzegovina would be a member of the EU before Turkey. Erdogan and Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Council of Ministers Chairman Vjekoslav Bevanda held a joint press conference …

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Serbia Resists German Pressure Over Kosovo

New statement of German conditions for Serbia’s further EU progress, related to Kosovo, revives tension between Germany and Serbia.Oliver Ivanovic, Serbia’s former state secretary for Kosovo, said German demands for Serbia to establish “a contractual relationship” with Kosovo were a red line that Belgrade could not cross.The retort comes after …

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Court Determines Ex-Chetnik Leader’s Death

The Higher Court in Belgrade has determined the circumstances of the death of Dragoslav Draza Mihailovic, the former WW2 Chetnik leader, which is a legal condition for his rehabilitation process to continue.According to the lawyer acting on behalf of Mihailovic’s family, Zoran Zivanovic, the court will make its decision regarding …

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OSCE to Monitor Montenegro’s Elections

As the deadline for submission of electoral lists in Montenegro nears, OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights announces it will oversee the elections.Geert-Hinrich Ahrens, the head of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission, said that 12 observers would monitor the elections, before and on the day of the vote, …

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Kosovo’s Unions Threaten Strike Over Privatization

Kosovo’s opposition parties told the Alliance of Trade Unions on Monday that they would support a motion to stop the privatization of nationalized industries.Several opposition parties have pledged to support the cause of the Alliance of Independent Trade Unions of Kosovo, BSPK, to prevent the sale of the three biggest …

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Romania To Reward Informers on Tax Evasion

Authorities in Romania plan to reward snitches in order to reduce the high level of tax evasion, one of the owrst in Europe.The tax authority in cash-strapped Romania is planning to offer financial rewards to people who denounce individuals or companies for tax evasion, officials have announced. “The idea is …

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50,000 Kosovars Sign Petition Against PTK Sale

Unions say that 10,000 workers will also stage a public protest against the privatization of the Post-Telecom PTK and the Power Company, KEK, on Friday.The Alliance of Independent Unions of Kosovo, BSPK, said it had gathered 50,000 signatures for its petition opposing the privatization of the Post-Telecom of Kosovo, PTK, …

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