Eurasia News

Serbia’s goal is to get EU talks date in 2012, PM says

Serbia’s goal is to get a date for the beginning of the EU accession talks by the end of 2012 because it is its national interest, says PM Ivica Dačić.“(European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia Jelko) Kacin’s statement that Serbia will not get a date for the beginning of the EU …

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Turkish Cypriots aspire to real independence from Turkey, TESEV report finds

Turkish Cypriots demand sovereign equality from the Turkish government, according to the findings of the report “Cypriot Perceptions of Turkey” prepared by the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV). The study, conducted by Rebecca Bryant of the European Institute of the London School of Economics and Christella Yakinthou from …

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Romania’s Suspended President to Return to Post

Traian Basescu is to resume his duties after parliament on Monday accepted a court ruling, which deemed the result of a July referendum on his impeachment invalid.Romania’s parliament on Monday said that it recognized the ruling of the Constitutional Court, which last week said the July 29 referendum result concerning …

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Nothing can stop Greece leaving the Eurozone and a return to the 50s

Greece is living its last days in the Eurozone. The managers of Europe, including Angela Merkel, look at Athens perplexed and compassionate, yet with relief as they have secured their banks by passing the Greek papers to the Central European Bank (ECB), thinking now what to do with Italy and …

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Leaders urged to see Bosnia as a European challenge

Two distinguished speakers came together to discuss the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina at the Festival of Spirituality and Peace in Edinburgh on Saturday 25 August 2012. They were Dr Mustafa Ceric, the Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina and religious leader of the Bosnian Muslim community, and the Rev Donald Reeves, …

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Dispute Over Serb MP in Croatia Continues

The Croatian PM dismissed President Josipovic’s allegation that the Serb MP in the Croatian Parliament is blackmailing the government and using state money for his own purposes.The first serious misunderstanding between the Croatian Prime Minister, Zoran Milanovic, and President Ivo Josipovic came after Jospovic accused Serb MP Milorad Pupovac of …

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ICTY: Haradinaj’s Verdict Due in November

The Hague Tribunal, ICTY, is expected to deliver its final verdict in the retrial of the former KLA commander, Ramush Haradinaj, in November.The Hague Tribunal charged Haradinaj, who briefly served as prime minister of Kosovo, and his two KLA comrades, Lahi Brahimaj and Idriz Balaj, in 2005 with participating in …

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Romanian Crisis Erodes Ruling Party’s Popularity

While Victor Ponta’s coalition is still expected to win the next general election, the failed attempt to impeach the President has reduced its popularity, according to a new poll.Romania’s centre-left government is expected to win around 54 per cent of the vote in a general election, down from its earlier …

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Albania Slashes Waste Import List

Bowing to pressure from environmentalists seeking a total ban, Albania on Thursday reduced the range of wastes that can be imported for recycling.The decision to cut waste imports was “a result of wide consultation with civil society groups”, Prime Minister Sali Berisha said, adding that banning all imports of waste …

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Kosovo Says Dacic Misinformed UN About Serbs

Kosovo says Serbian Prime Minister presented false information to the UN Security Council about the true position of Serbs in the country.Serbia’s Prime Minister, Ivica Dacic, misinformed the UN Security Council when talking about Kosovo’s allegedly discriminatory policies towards local Serbs, the government in Pristina said.

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