Eurasia News

Romania does not recognize presidential elections held in Nagorno-Karabakh

Romania does not recognize the so-called “presidential elections” in Nagorno-Karabakh, Embassy of Azerbaijan in Romania said on Thursday. Romanian Foreign Ministry released a statement which considers illegal the so-called “presidential elections” held in Nagorno-Karabakh on July 19.

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UN, EU, US and Israel condemn bomb attack in Bulgaria

The UN, EU, US, Israel and other countries have condemned the suicide bombing in Burgas, Bulgaria, that killed six Israelis and a local driver as well as the bomber whose nationality has yet to be disclosed. The UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, has condemned the bus bomb attack in Burgas that …

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Belgrade commemorates Orahovac victims

A remembrance service for those killed when the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, occupied the town of Orahovac in Kosovo in 1998 was held in Belgrade on Wednesday. The families of the victims and human rights activists laid flowers on the graves and at the monument called “Unknown”, dedicated to the …

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Serbian Progressives Tempt Bosniaks Into Govt

Nationalist-led coalition is trying to lure ethnic minorities into the new government, but after Hungarians said no, Bosniaks are still weighing their options.Aleksandar Vucic, acting head of the ruling Progressives, has met with the main leader of Bosniak [Muslim] community in Serbia and offered them a role in the new …

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UN Chief’s Visit Puts Macedonia ‘Name’ Dispute in Frame

Ban Ki-moon’s visit this month is stirring speculation about new initiatives in the dispute over Macedonia’s name – though few expect the fact-finding trip to result in a breakthrough.Ban Ki-moon arrives in Skopje on 25 July as part of a tour of Western Balkan countries from July 19 to 26. …

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Brussels Slates Romania’s Commitment to Reform

The European Commission is to issue a critical report on Romania’s failure to reform the courts, tackle corruption and respect the democratic process.The EU has serious doubts about Romania’s commitments to reforming the judiciary and respecting the principles of democracy, according to a preliminary copy of a report to be …

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Albanian Gloom About Economy Worsening

New Central Bank data show that consumer confidence has fallen to its lowest level in seven years.According to the bank, consumer confidence in the economy slid by 1.3 point in the second quarter of 2012, compared with its last estimate. The index registered the outlook of Albanian consumers towards the …

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